Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site/Barrington Living History Farm

Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site is as unique to visit as the Lone Star State is itself! Located along the mighty Brazos River, Washington-on-the-Brazos is a historical complex that serves its visitors a heaping helping of the serene beauty of the South Texas countryside alongside a smorgasbord of opportunities that nourish both the mind and the body.

The Manling and I devoured every moment of our half-day exploration of WotBSHS in August 2018. We got our bearings at the Visitor Services Complex where Park Staffer Mary (with the most beautiful eyes!) gave us the lowdown on all of the must-see-and-do activities during our visit.

With an hour before our first tour, we heeded Mary’s advice and headed toward the Old Washington Town Site Loop Trail (say that three times fast!) and meandered down a beautifully wide path toward the Brazos River…

…catching no glimpses of it until…

…we reached the Scenic Overlook, which was kind of on the wild side. There, we read a lot of signage (see below) that gave us a pretty good overview of the importance of the site. I won’t go into detail because I hate spoilers, but suffice it to say, WotB brought it’s A-game in educational pursuits.

We left the blissful shade of the trail and the Overlook to head up this trail – once an ancient roadway – reading the signage along the way that taught us even more Texas history. There was even a tree that witnessed the events of Texas history covered at the park. Yeah, it’s that old!

We made our way back to the Visitor Services Complex just in time for a quick pit stop before we headed out on a walking tour with Adam Arnold, who has obviously found his calling as a Park Ranger at WotB, with family lines that traced all the way back to…well, someone of significance, but I cannot remember who exactly. But I remember one of our fellow visitors on the tour being duly impressed, so I followed along.

Our tour guide Adam passed out what he termed period-appropriate air conditioners like the one he was holding since it was a hundred degrees during our tour in August. Thanks for doing us a solid, man!

When our outstanding guided tour ended (TRULY a Must-Do with Adam!), we headed back to the nearby Visitor Services Complex to try our hand at the Scavenger Hunt.

For time and financial reasons, we decided to skip the Star of the Republic Museum on this visit. Instead, we headed next to the Barrington Living History Farm. The BLHF was originally located about six miles from its current site where the last President of the Republic of Texas lived in it. The delightful lady that checked us in at the HQ there told us as we headed toward this –

“…When you walk over that bridge, you’ll be in the 1850’s.”

Never ones to miss an opportunity to time travel (and current über fans of NBC’s Timeless), we hastily crossed said bridge, safely navigating whatever time vortex there that made the trip possible.

And then we saw this cow. This 1850’s cow. Which looked a lot like cows in the 2018’s.

Ahead on the path, we saw a house to the left…

…and some out buildings to the right. We went right because, honestly, I’m a sucker for country living and pioneer America is my love language, so off we went to explore the barn, the animals, and what ended up being the slaves’ quarters.

Lastly, we visited the main house where we encountered a lady from the 1850’s whose speech was somewhat awkward to our ears as we weaved in and out of the downstairs rooms of the dog trot style house. We were encouraged – okay, the kids in a separate group were encouraged, but we heard it as we were invited to join – in doing some household chores like washing clothes and hanging them to dry; play checkers on the porch; or catch grasshoppers to throw to the chickens. We did the last one and had the kids in that other group enraptured even though the chickens were a bit on the dim-witted side and 100% of the grasshoppers made it out of the chicken yard unscathed.

Once we exhausted our explorations in the wee patch of 1850’s that is Barrington Living History Farm, we headed back over the portal to the 2018’s (a.k.a. the bridge), back to the modern convenience of true air conditioning inside the Tiny Toyota Tardis (because the Yaris is bigger on the inside), and on to our next adventure.

Why We Love Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site

  1. Guided Tours. Anything Adam Arnold does. Seriously. We threw question after question at him and he remained unfazed. That man is a treasure to the park. Sit yourself under his wing for 45 minutes to an hour and soak up some Texas history.
  2. Old Washington Town Site Loop Trail. Read the signage along the way. Listen to the Brazos River. Imagine yourself in the shoes of those who came before you.
  3. Barrington Living History Farm. Travel back to the 1850’s. It’s priceless! Just know it will be hard to come back.

Must Do’s

  • An Adam Arnold Tour. See #1 above.
  • Old Washington Town Site Loop Trail. See #2 above.
  • Barrington Living History Farm. See #3 above.


We’d love to hear about your experiences at Washington-on-the-Brazos State Historic Site! Please share your experiences at this vintage State Park in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Lake Livingston State Park

My birds eye view atop the observation tower was stunning at sunrise, but I would imagine it would be spectacular as the sun set across the water on the other end of the day.

As a kid, I loved watching The Parent Trap. The whole idea of going to camp for the entire summer seemed like Heaven on Earth. The myriad of activities available to all the campers at Miss Inch’s Summer Camp for Girls always looked so fun! And the camp itself looked like the most picture-perfect place on Earth to my young eyes.

Separately, The Manling and I conquered our fears of height to gain a higher perspective of the beautiful lake and the spectacular surrounding areas.

As a teenager, I was all about Dirty Dancing – but not because of Patrick Swayze. Kellerman’s Resort held the irresistible draw to my teenaged self that Miss Inch’s Summer Camp for Girls did to the younger me. It was a magical place that offered good, clean fun for it’s guests like the talent show where the accordion players among us finally got their fifteen minutes of fame. There were log cabins (like the one Baby’s family rented) and beautiful lakes in the background and a variety of activities designed to bring people together in wholesome ways. (I would argue that the resort played a pivotal role in the movie, for the idyllic setting captured my attention more than any of the main characters.)

My amazing view as the sun greeted the day.

As an adult, I discovered Lake Livingston State Park during the Summer of 2018, a place that was like stepping back into the absolutely best parts of yesteryear. I don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that LLSP has somehow captured all of the greatest moments of childhood and nestled them under towering East Texas trees, and then tossed in an absolutely perfect campy vibe that leaves you wistful for bygone days.

My fondest childhood memories apparently live on at LLSP, most especially at the screened shelters area. Little House on the Prairie, anyone? Those adorable wooden shelters on the shores of Lake Livingston State Park made me want to exchange the luxury & convenience of city life for the quaint simplicity beckoning from within those tiny houses right then and there. (Honestly, I texted The Man while I was walking around that area to inform him that I believed I could live my best life RIGHT. THERE. And I meant it.)

See what I mean?!?! My heart aches to call that place home.

Or this one. I’m not picky. I could live my best life in either of these one room shelters. I promise.

While I was off fantasizing about living my best life in one of those Tiny Houses, The Manling was – drum roll please – fishing. And for all you anglers out there, the fishing is good at Lake Livingston State Park, even from the shoreline.

A sampling of the little guys that called the area around the boat launch home.

I even landed a wee little fella when I took a break from my nostalgia to live in the moment with The Manling.

What else is there to do at Lake Livingston State Park if you’re not into reliving yesteryear or fishing? Rent a canoe and spend some time on the lake. Geocache. Go hiking – there’s about 5 miles of trail. Mountain bike. Go on a nature hunt for birds, or rabbits, or armadillos, or flying squirrels…even alligators! The point is, there is something for everyone at LLSP. What are you waiting for?

Why We Love Lake Livingston State Park

  1. Nostalgia. If your best childhood memories could be packaged into a State Park, that State Park would be Lake Livingston.
  2. Water. This is an irresistible draw during the summer heat in Texas. LLSP offers affordable canoe and kayak rentals. They loan good ole fashioned cane fishing poles. And you can swim in the lake, to boot!
  3. Shelters. Scroll back up to those pictures. They speak for themselves, but I gushed over them anyway. #bestlifeever
  4. Forest. We love trees. Tall ones. The kind that offer real shade. The kind under which the temperature is noticeably lower. We want to look at them. We want to walk in their shade. We want to see the impossibly blue sky peeping through their towering, green limbs. If you do, too, LLSP is your utopia.

Must Do’s

  • Sunset. Go to the tip-top of the Observation Tower about an hour before sunset and just enjoy the show over Lake Livingston.
  • Stay. Reader, you can request specific campsites and shelters, which is unusual within the State Park system because the norm is “first come, first served.” Take advantage of that awesomeness and rent shelter #7 or #3. Trust me.
  • Hike. While we didn’t hike on our visit (the shoreline fishing was too good!), reading about the nite hike to Frog Pond is calling my name! And rumor has it that the most popular trail (the Pineywoods Boardwalk Trail) happens to be the means to get to Frog Pond, so you totally score a twofer with this hike. Don’t forget a flashlight.
  • Make Memories. In my opinion, this isn’t the place to be alone. Grab those you love and go make some memories at LLSP. The place is rich with opportunities!

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Lake Livingston State Park! Please leave your comments on this State Park that is nothing short of a delicious slice of yesteryear below.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Abilene State Park

The Manling and I visited Abilene State Park in July 2018. It was our first visit to this gem, even though it is only three hours from our home in North Texas. En route, I hunkered down for some alone time in my favorite space – my head – while The Manling reposed in the passenger seat of the Tiny Toyota Tardis (because the Yaris is bigger on the inside). As the road changed from interstate to a two-lane road, the scenery morphed. I exchanged the flat expanses of I-20 for sublime roads more akin to roller-coaster tracks filled with hills, valleys, twists, and turns. No longer was I staring across level fields of wind turbines. I was now delightedly driving through miles and miles of them as I wound my way ever closer to Abilene State Park.

The Manling had been awake all of 60 seconds when we snapped our entry selfie. God bless him.

While registering our visit with the Park Staff upon arrival, we chatted both of them up about their park, attempting to extract from each what they personally considered top notch V.I.P. experiences within ASP. Their suggestions combined with the plethora of activities listed on the website greased the wheels of my imagination for a fall camp out with friends, from which the gears have continued to spin. From this ceaseless planning, I have created:

Abilene State Park’s Top 10 Activities for Every Person on the Planet

10. Swimming. Open during the summer, ASP offers park goers a ginormous swimming pool, a smaller wading pool, tons of seating, and even shaded lounge chairs to make for an epic poolside day of fun in the sun (or shade). The perfect cure for the Texas summer heat.

9. Bird Blind. Lots of State Parks provide special areas for guests to enjoy the sights and sounds of their winged visitors, but ASP went a step beyond with their bird blind. We could actually hear the wings of several hummingbirds from our vantage point, as well as the happy chirping and singing of several other varieties of birds visiting their favorite, shaded, protected watering hole. Delightful!

8. Horseshoes. Nestled under glorious shade trees near the pool and beautiful CCC-constructed water tower are actual horseshoe pits! As in, good ol’ fashioned fun from yesteryear!

7. Kayak/Canoe Rental. Rentals are available in the park’s HQ for kayaks and canoes, a fun way to explore Lake Abilene during your visit.

6. Team Building Game(s). Sand volleyball. Soccer. Baseball. Kickball. There’s space for all of these fun team building games at ASP! Grab some friends and bond over a competitive sport…or two!

5. Fishing. There is a pond on the HQ side of the park, but there’s a lake across the road surrounded by the beautiful rolling hills of the Callahan Divide. The whole time you’re fishing, you’ve got the sneaking suspicion that you are actually somehow fishing on the planet Mars with the beautiful orange terra firma beneath your feet.

4. Trails. With around five miles of them, you could legitimately see the entire park by foot over the course of a weekend. Some are bike-accessible, too! The ones we trekked on our visit were beautiful with canopied trees, lush undergrowth, and a variety of birds providing an enjoyable soundtrack while we explored.

3. Sunset. Lake Abilene at sunset. Trust me.

2. Geocaching. There were a few free geocaches within the park and I have to give kudos to the brilliant blokes that hid them. They were FANTASTIC! I may sound like a broken record, but geocaching is the best way to explore a new area. Download the free app and go have fun modern-day treasure hunting!


1. Staying. This is number one because of the variety of wonderful, picturesque, and one-of-a-kind accommodations available at ASP.

Tent camping? yes

RV camping? yes

Lakeside Cabin? yes

Tiny House Village? yes (a.k.a. shelters, but they look like an adorable tiny house village set underneath the trees!)

YURTS? oh my, yes! (Sign me up for an overnighter in a bona fide yurt complete with beds and an a/c, please!)

Why We Love Abilene State Park

  1. Location. I mentioned driving through miles and miles of twisty-turny, up-and-down roads through the towering wind turbines en route to ASP. When we left, we were treated to the likes of Buffalo Gap, a precious little piece of ‘Merica that will make you want to listen to Lee Greenwood sing “Proud to be an American” on a loop while you explore it via the geocache method of tourism.
  2. Variety of Activities. Boating. Swimming. Horseshoes. Team Sports. Fishing. Hiking. Biking. Bird Watching. Geocaching. Exploring. It’s all there for the taking, friend.
  3. Accommodations. Yurts, people. Yurts with a/c. And if that isn’t enough, shelters that look like a Tiny House Village nestled under beautiful trees. If those are too primitive, there’s a legitimate Lake House Cabin. Or if you are so inclined to bring your own accommodations, the tent or RV sites are picture perfect.

Must Do’s

  • Um, see the above list.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Abilene State Park! Please share your experiences at this deliciously diverting State Park in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.



Franklin Mountains State Park

We made four major memories at Franklin Mountains State Park when we visited in July 2018.

  1. We got lost. Waze, who had become our BFF on our West Texas Road Trip by navigating us through the middle of many nowheres for five days straight and diverting us around a parking lot situation on I-20 in Odessa on day one, kind of let us down on the day we pointed the Tiny Toyota Tardis (because the Yaris is bigger on the inside) toward El Paso’s Franklin Mountains by not intuitively knowing we meant the Tom Mays part of the park. On the flip side, she did get us to the HQ, which hooked us up with the likes of Erika the Office Manager and Ranger X (for Xavier – how cool is that?!) and they not only showed us how to get to the part of the park that we wanted, they also talked us through some great options once we got there. So, serendipity. (To aid you in your adventure, use this address in your map app – “Tom Mays Park Access Road” – to get to where the adventure is in Franklin Mountains State Park. It’s on the opposite side of the mountain from the HQ.)

    FMSP is serious about mountain biking, offering a fix-it station at the Beginner’s Loop!
  2. We mountain biked. I mean, we had burdened the Tiny Toyota Tardis with a heavy bike rack, our bikes, and The Manling’s fishing gear for days of driving up and down mountains, along rough dirt roads, across jarring cattle grates, and through stop-and-go big city traffic. And now, now we were finally getting to use them! Ranger X suggested the Beginner’s Loop to test our skills (because it was the most level), so that was our first stop. We figured we’d get a taste for what we were in for before we progressed to the more advanced trails. Ranger X did us a solid. The Beginner Loop is no joke, people. It was a barely discernible, teeny-tiny, twisty-turny trail through sharp cactus and over even sharper loose rock that caused us to skid and slide our way around it until I popped my chain. Twice. And got a flat. Back at the car thirty minutes later, we felt like we’d had a proper sampling of what mountain biking in West Texas was like and we were good. As in, done.

    We paused at the entrance to the Beginner’s Loop to take in the spectacular view of the Franklin Mountains. Note: The beginning is the only wide portion of the trail you’ll see.

    The Beginner’s Loop was the most level of all the trails, but it was a narrow, slippery ride that left me questioning my mountain biking prowess.
  3. We hiked. We headed to the various trail heads next to get a sense of which one(s) we would tackle in the nearly-noon heat. Ranger X suggested we check out the Aztec Caves Trail or the Cottonwood Spring Trail. After a quick drive by of both, the Manling was feeling the Cottonwood Spring Trail. Since he was already feeling the effects of the heat from our mountain bike ride on the Beginner’s Loop, I just went with it, no questions asked. Long story short, we never made it to the lone cottonwood perched up on the rocky mountain’s side, clearly visible from the parking lot. And also clearly farther away than it looked, especially in temps that soared above 100 degrees. We made it about halfway before deciding that even if we continuously chugged the rest of our electrolyte-filled waters, that would not be enough to replenish our bodies for the remainder of the hike. We reluctantly retraced our steps back to the parking lot, the cold a/c of our vehicle, and drown our defeat in still more electrolytes in an attempt to recover from #4.

    Heading up the rocky Cottonwood Spring Trail full of hopes and dreams

    And heading back down the rocky Cottonwood Spring Trail, dehydrated and deflated
  4. We suffered heat-related exhaustion. I don’t know how we could have prepped for a better outcome because we sucked down electrolytes all the livelong day like we were doing a paid endorsement, and we make sure our foodstuffs provided prime nourishment for our bodies so that they would be up to the tasks we asked said bodies to do. Maybe it was the time of day. Maybe it was the over 100 degree temps. Maybe it was the dry, West Texas heat. I don’t know. All I have to share is this, Be Aware. Heat exhaustion is real. When you go out and about and start to feel yourself struggle, Go Back. Live to adventure another day, my friend.

Why We Love Franklin Mountains State Park

  1. Mountain Biking. If this is your thing, go for it! In my opinion, the trails are for experienced mountain bikers, including the Beginner’s Loop. Word to the wise – bring extra tubes because the rocks and cactus are sharp. You’ll need ’em.
  2. Hiking. Excellent trails like the Cottonwood Spring and Aztec Caves await you. One thing I really liked and would make me return is that we never made it to our destinations. And you can see the caves as a gaping hole in the mountain from the parking lot and that kind of is an irresistible draw. Same for the Cottonwood Spring – you can see one, lone Cottonwood on the side of the mountain and you just HAVE to go to it. Wear good shoes. And drink plenty of electrolytes.
  3. Park Staff. Office Manager Erika, Ranger X, and Ranger Geoff (whom we met in the Beginner’s Loop parking lot) were all top-notch human beings. Make sure to meet them and take advantage of their knowledge of the park to help plan your adventure in it.
  4. Mountain Pass. Make sure you mistakenly start at the HQ so that you can ensure the drive through the Franklin Mountains pass, which was fun and beautiful and a little humbling when your car is struggling to the top, but totally worth it.

Must Do’s

  • Trails. They have long trails, short trails, bike trails, foot trails, even trails, steep trails. They have all of the kinds of trails you could imagine at FMSP. Go explore!
  • Hydrate. Talk to the Park Staff before your visit for suggestions on how to not have to cut your trip short like we did. It is seriously hot. And it is seriously dangerous to under-prepare. Educate yourselves before you go.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Franklin Mountains State Park! Please share your experiences at this hot-to-trot State Park in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.