McKinney Falls State Park

We first discovered McKinney Falls State Park several summers ago when The Man and I took The Manling and Kinder Frau on a “Tour of Texas Waterholes.” It held fond memories for us, especially the wet trek down Williamson Creek while holding an impromptu rock skipping contest. We swam in the Lower Falls, and the guys fished a bit that visit, but we didn’t explore the park properly that first trip because we were on a schedule and had to get to the next waterhole.

Pay attention to this photo out of yesteryear. It will be important later during the test-taking portion of this post.
The water felt so good on that hot, hot Texas summer day. Soon we were skipping rocks and talking big and having a grand ole time until we decided to change into our swimsuits and submerge ourselves in the Lower Falls.

The second time we visited MFSP was in mid-June 2018. The weather was threatening a pretty big thunderstorm, so we weren’t sure exactly how long we’d have to explore the park before we had to take shelter. As we arrived, people were exiting because of the aforementioned thunderstorms headed our way. Exactly like Superheroes, we headed the opposite direction from the fleeing masses. Toward the danger. Into the unknown.

Okay, in reality, some people left and they may have just been tired. I can’t know everything. What I do know is that when we took this entry selfie –

Test-taking portion of the post. Find ten things that are different in this entry photo than the one out of yesteryear. (Answer at the bottom, but don’t cheat and scroll down without first really trying. That’s no way to go about life.)

– the sky behind us was blue and the sky in front of us looked pretty scary. Like, I-think-we-might-be-in-Kansas kind of scary. But we headed in anyway because, honestly, we’d bothered to drive all this way and it was not going to be for nothing. Because we’d already done some of the things in this park previously and because it was Father’s Day Weekend and The Man loves to hike, we focused primarily on hiking. Well, that and fishing because The Manling had just turned the big 1-8 and life is colorless for him unless he can drop a line in the water.

After constructing a good attack pattern with the Park Staff in the HQ (and buying a cute window sticker for the Tiny Toyota Tardis – because the Yaris in bigger on the inside), we pointed the Jeep toward the Lower Falls. Even though the park sometimes has to close due to capacity, we found a great parking spot recently vacated by a park evacuee. We headed on foot to the rock flats. We hunted for the famed “ruts” in the rock caused by wagon wheels in the days of the Old West. We stared at the people swimming in the Lower Falls. And then we began hiking the pleasant (and mostly shaded) Rock Shelter Interpretive Trail.

The vast rock flats aren’t far from the parking area and lie between that and the water of the Lower Falls. Notice the blue skies on the left, and the heavy dark clouds on the right.
We “think” this is the Rock Shelter (#4 on the Trails Map), but it was a neat spot overlooking the water even if it wasn’t.
Heading toward the Rock Shelter Interpretive Trail from the rock flats for a quickie hike.
A stop along the Rock Shelter Interpretive Trail to enjoy the view of the creek below.
A view of the creek they are enjoying in the above pic.
The Manling, longing for his rod & reel.
I love this pic because it’s not even staged! The Manling took the narrower path that followed the creek more closely while The Man led his ladies down the wider path.
At this point, I haven’t the faintest idea where we are. The trail seemed to close ahead, so we turned back after admiring the view in the next photo.
We think that’s a beaver’s dam.

We divided and conquered after that first hike. Kinder Frau and I opted for the air conditioned Jeep while The Man and The Manling went fishing. This translated into us rating all the campsites (see below under Must Do’s) as we explored every single road in the park from the comfort of our car while the guys headed back to the Lower Falls area to do their thing.

When we met back up, we decided to explore the other side of Lower Falls in search of both the Gristmill (#9 on the Trails Map) and the McKinney Homestead (#8 on the Trails Map, and for which the park is named). Both were packed with lush foliage, and cool breezes because of the thunderstorm rolling into the area.

This was a pretty, green, well-maintained path through tall trees with lush undergrowth – and plenty of places for snakes to hide. But I was motivated. I’m a sucker for the historical stuff.
The Man admitted that once the trail narrowed this much with the lush greenery thick all around, he walked faster and kept well ahead so that I couldn’t easily engender his sympathies with my rapid breathing and force us to head back to safer grounds where rattlers weren’t waiting to wound us, thereby missing the focal point of our hike – the McKinney Homestead. I’m so thankful for him because I loved this hike and stepping back into history at the homestead.
The remains of the McKinney homestead. Well worth the panic I paid to get there.

We enjoyed a few hours pleasantly spent rediscovering a history-rich, water-filled state park located in the state’s capital with exactly no run-ins with my arch-nemesis the rattlesnake. Or a Texas summer thunderstorm. #winning

Oh, and about the test-taking portion of the post. There isn’t one. I just thought it was cool that the three of them were almost identical to the photo from years ago…before selfies were a thing and I was always behind the camera instead of in front of it. Don’t hate me. I thought it would be funny.

Why We Love McKinney Falls State Park

  1. Water. This is an essential ingredient to enjoying any summertime activity in Texas. Wade down a creek. Swim at one of the falls. Float down the creek. Fish in the water. Trust me.
  2. Trails. The foliage even in the heat of an oppressive Texas summer is so lush and beautiful! It’s like MFSP didn’t get the memo that it’s time for everything growing to turn brown under the summer sun. It’s beautiful with lots of shade. There’s no downside to that winning combo.
  3. History. Pick up a Trails Map from the HQ. Pick a trail. Follow it, reading the bits about certain spots you pass along your walk. Read the signs. The place is rich with Texas history!

Must Do’s

  • Hike. The trails are well-maintained, marked and easily traveled. In fact, I would say the trails are more like paths than most of the hiking trails we’ve traveled at other parks. We even came across an elderly couple with their yippie dogs coming from the homestead and gristmill trails and they said it was an enjoyable walk when we asked them.
  • Swim. Both times we have visited MFSP, the water levels were low. But that didn’t keep anyone from enjoying either of the falls. I’m telling you, opportunities for wet fun in Texas in the summer is what you want and MFSP has it.
  • Camp. We were hard-pressed to find a bad camping spot. All of them were shaded and spacious and completely delightful for a weekend visit or a week-long trip. We look forward to returning and taking our own advice!
  • Explore. One of our fondest memories continues to be the time we explored Williamson Creek and had a rock-skipping contest. Bring your sense of adventure and have fun exploring the capital’s own State Park.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at McKinney Falls State Park! Please share your thoughts on this Texas State Capital gem in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Enchanted Rock State Natural Area

I feel like Enchanted Rock State Natural Area is so phenomenal that I should just post pics and let it speak for itself.

Only, I won’t because we had such an incredible time there mid-June 2018 that I need to get out all my feels about it, so here goes. But first…

Enchanted Rock is full of boulders and rocks to climb and these three have that carpe diem thing down. This was shortly after sunrise, the best time to enjoy the park in the summer as far as I’m concerned.

Enchanted Rock was a place The Manling and I had originally planned to explore in early June on our first State Park road trip. Because of storms the night before that stubbornly lingered into the morning, we ended up postponing our visit because who wants to trudge through muddy trails or scale thoroughly wet granite, right?

Second time around, we scheduled an early morning visit over Father’s Day weekend with The Man and Kinder Frau in tow. When I say early, I mean really early. As in, I am usually the only one that sees this part of the day in our family – which is why when our iPhone alarms did their jobs at 5am, no one was feeling it but me. I had called ERSNA earlier in the week to see what time the gates opened (which, in many cases, is before the HQ opens) and was thrilled to learn we could enter the park as early as 6:30am, which is pretty close to sunrise in June in the Texas Hill Country. Since the HQ would still be closed at that hour, the friendly Park Staff spent time with me during my phone call to help me plan an excellent route for an early morning hike at her park.

Once we arrived and registered our vehicle at the self-pay station, we headed left toward the trail head for The Loop, located near the playground and tent camping sites. The Loop trail, which was blissfully wide (as the Park Ranger had promised), consisted of crushed rock and, for the most part, was a gentle ascent. The Loop trail soon made us forget our 5am woes with its breathtaking beauty bathed in the early morning sunshine. We chatted. We laughed. We photographed. We passed a few who were heading down, having slept in more primitive spots in the higher elevation. In short, we (ahem, “I”) was so diverted by the scenic views and sparkling conversation that I barely gave a thought to what slithery critters might be lurking in the crevices of the park…

…until we switched to the Echo Canyon Trail at Moss Lake, a narrower trail, but still do-able by my city standards. As we progressed on that trail and passed the lake, the trail seemed to morph into a narrower path that would occasionally open onto wide granite flats before narrowing further still.

Switching from the w i d e Loop Trail to the slightly narrower Echo Canyon Trail
Scenic Moss Lake
At this point, is this even still considered a proper trail?

We passed some areas where rock climbing was permitted (all rock climbers must check in at the HQ), which proved a great inducement for us to want to return to Enchanted Rock since we love rock climbing!

Eventually we made our way to the Summit Trail at which point The Man and The Manling took off, leaving Kinder Frau and yours truly to catch our breath and enjoy the scenery before following the menfolk.

I’m not sure in degrees how steep the Summit Trail actually is, but it is the great equalizer in a race to the top. Once Kinder Frau and I began hiking it, we soon caught up to the menfolk and began an almost choreographed ascent as Kinder Frau, The Man and I took turns as 2nd, 3rd and last while The Manling left us coughing in his dust.

After several “false summits” –

You know, when you look up and think you are surely about to crest the thing you’re climbing only to see that you were oh-so-wrong and you’d better just look down and focus on putting one foot in front of the other because if you undergo even one more disappointed hope that you’ve finally made it to the top, you may suffer a fainting spell like in ye days of ol’, which would be very, very bad because of math & science – ie. the aforementioned steep angle of the Summit Trail “times” the physics that would guarantee your speedy descent should you faint “equals” disaster –

we finally – nay, GLORIOUSLY! – reached the Summit of Enchanted Rock!

The 360 degree views of this land called the Texas Hill Country that I am, in fact, falling head-over-heels in love with…oh, seeing them as the mid-morning sun’s rays brilliantly broke through the fluffy clouds made my heart feel full and a smile spread across my lips. It was the kind of brilliant feeling that makes you want to hug your loved ones and feast your eyes on the spectacle before you – like when the Griswold’s are on the front lawn awaiting Clark’s Christmas lights, arms enter-twined, on National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It produced exactly those kinds of warm and fuzzy feels.

Why We Love Enchanted Rock State Natural Area

  1. Hiking. ERSNA has almost 11 miles of beautiful trails. Talking with the Park Staff helped us choose which trails we would enjoy the most. (Basically The Loop on the left side of the map is more scenic; on the right side of the map is more shaded. Since we were there in the coolest part of the day, we opted for scenic and were not disappointed. From The Loop Trail, we connected to Echo Canyon Trail on the back side of the park to cut through the middle and connect to the Summit Trail to the top of Enchanted Rock on our visit. Our Park Staff could not have planned a better route for us!)
  2. The Summit. Not too many places in Texas are high. This is a huge selling point for The Summit. The views are gorgeous and the birds fly “beneath” you while you’re atop Enchanted Rock. Pretty cool.
  3. Rock Climbing. We love parks that offer rock climbers a place to do their thing “in the wild.” Huge kudos for offering several spots to climb. Just make sure you check in at the HQ before you begin.

Must Do’s

  • Arrive Early. This is a super popular park and because of that, they periodically have to close the park to more guests. Check the website before your visit and plan to arrive early – as in before they open early to have the best chance at getting in.
  • The Loop. Half of it is shaded; the other half is scenic. Seems like a win-win whatever the time of day. Make sure you carry enough water with you because it is over 4 miles in length.
  • The Summit Trail. It rocks! (Get it?) It is steep, it is full of false summits, but it is absolutely worth it. Your heart will love it, even if your calves complain. And consider trekking poles like these that I borrowed from a friend. I heard more than one fellow hiker complain that he didn’t have trekking poles when I passed by with these bad boys.
  • Echo Canyon. Unlike the part of The Loop we hiked, it is actually pretty lush in a lot of spots and completely seems like a different park. Plus, it’s where the rock climbing spots are located.
  • Moss Lake. While you cannot swim there and the park website doesn’t list fishing as a park activity, Moss Lake is really pretty and peaceful. Definitely makes for great photos.
  • Photograph. It’s beautiful at Enchanted Rock. Take lots and lots of photos. And then take some more. In my opinion, filter-free. It’s that gorgeous…naturally.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area! Please share your thoughts on this enchanting place in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Mother Neff State Park

Vanity of vanities…Knowing my selfies are a sorry collection of proof that I am über unphotogenic, I actually put on make up and decided to take my hair out of it’s pony tail every time we took photos. Even though it was a thousand degrees that morning.

The Manling and I visited Mother Neff State Park in early June 2018. Our trusty map app had trouble locating the entrance, but the reason became clear once we did. MNSP is situated on the Leon River, which sometimes floods the plains around it. In 2015, the park relocated the HQ and campsites outside of this flood plain so that the park could remain open, even when the Leon River was disagreeable to the notion. Our map app apparently didn’t get the memo.

The Manling and I were impressed by the newness of this State Park. It was all so immaculate and driving up to the HQ felt akin to arriving at the model home of a new neighborhood! As we approached the building in the early morning, I asked the Park Staffer who was tending to the flower gardens around the HQ if he’d found anything interesting. He replied that he’d already relocated them. “Them,” I asked? The snakes, he replied with a mischievous grin. “For real,” I asked again, to which his smile only widened. The Manling passed him by and kept walking the paved garden path to the doors of the HQ to register our visit.

Per our usual, we chatted with the State Park Staff on-duty and learned that we had underestimated the extent of closures in this particular park due to the recent floods. While several short trails, the Cave, the Tower, and Wash Pond were still accessible, the big attraction for The Manling was and always will be water access for fishing. (Did I mention that fishing is his love language?) And that part of the park was completely & disappointingly inaccessible to park visitors.

Tourist Tip #1

Don’t choose a destination based on proximity and assume everything will be kosher when you show up. Actually visit the website and do your research because the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department is fantastic at keeping you up-to-date on information that will be important to know for your visit – like the inaccessibility of the water feature due to flood damage. Lesson learned.

Park Map in hand, we went back to the car to drive to the trail head of the Cave, our first stop. After circling half of the roundabout, we saw a somewhat towering gate extremely reminiscent of Jurassic Park, toward which we pointed the Tiny Toyota Tardis (because the Yaris is bigger on the inside). I would be remiss to not point out here that we both began humming Welcome to Jurassic Park (and continued to do so until we parked at the Cave’s trail head!).

Tourist Tip #2

Download Welcome to Jurassic Park to your phone, buy the soundtrack for your car, or download it on Spotify in case you don’t have service (We didn’t.) because this is the perfect score for that gate and the tree-canopied drive through the park. It will elevate the ride to epic instantly.

To abbreviate our short, uneventful trip for you, dear reader, we visited The Cave (which was kind of neat), The Tower (which was our longest hike at the park, but super short compared to our hikes at other parks), and Wash Pond (which was super low on the day we visited). To be honest, The Manling wasn’t feeling MNSP because of the closure of the river end of park and our brief hikes consisted of a lot of quiet punctuated by me either stomp-walking or making noise with my water bottle (you know, to scare the snakes) with the occasional “Are you okay? You seem upset with me” thrown in because, well, The Manling seemed upset with me and all brooding teenager, which is unlike him. So, after our third mini-hike (to the Tower), I asked if he just wanted to head home and plan to come back when more of the park was open (ie the river for fishing). In his funk, he managed to deliver a heart-warming reply in a half-hearted tone – “I’ll do whatever you want to do, Mom. This is your trip, too.” Bless him. We hit the restrooms and then pointed the Tiny Toyota Tardis for home, vowing to revisit Mother Neff when she was recovered from the flood.

The Cave. The Manling offered to explore, but since it didn’t seem trail-like enough at either end of the Cave, I politely declined his offer.

Note the rocks (good camo for rattlesnakes) and the tall grass ahead (good hiding spots for rattlesnakes), both of which may have made me annoying to The Manling because I walked behind him in a “heard” manner, like the Park Staff suggested.
Taken atop the Rock Tower, which was pretty cool and the only time I wasn’t attempting to “make us heard” by any snakes in the vicinity, which The Manling appreciated because my noise may have fanned the flames of his disappointment with the park’s river closure.

Why We Love Mother Neff State Park

  1. It’s new. I confess that I was digging the new digs at MNSP. The HQ was awesome, cold (important in 100 degree temps!) and homey with ginormous windows overlooking the brand new porch with an assortment of chairs welcoming you to sit a spell.
  2. It’s historical. I love experiencing the places of yesteryear. I enjoy reading about it and imagining what it would have been like so many years ago. MNSP is steeped in history!
  3. It’s road. We are a sucker for a beautiful drive and the main road through the park offers a delightful canopy of trees over the small road, punctuated on one end by the fabulous Jurassic Park-esque gate and by the Leon River on the other (though at the time of this publication, that part of the park was closed due to flooding).
  4. It’s possibilities. The Manling loves state parking for the fishing. The Man loves state parking for the hiking. I love state parking for the history. This little park offers a little of each of these.

Must Do’s

  • The Cave. This was a short little hike from the main road and it was pretty cool to contemplate people actually living there. Read the information posted at the entrance to the cave.
  • The Tower. It literally is a tower in the middle of trees that you can climb to get a 360 degree view of the park. Neat trail that includes a bird blind if you use the trail head across from the restrooms in the new camping loop.
  • The Pond. You’ve got to see the pics on-site and read the info about Wash Pond in order to appreciate it when the water levels are low (like they were when we visited).
  • Fishing. Once the river portion of the park reopens, we plan to return and take our own advice on the Leon River.
  • Camping. The new campsites look fantastic and there were quite a few campers enjoying them during our visit, even though it was in the 100’s. There are two playgrounds nearby, as well as the Live Oak Trail, which leads to a shaded bird blind and The Tower.
  • Sitting. Spend some time just sitting and enjoying the flower gardens and the view from the HQ’s porch on those lovely new chairs.

    We’d love to hear about your experiences at Mother Neff State Park! Please share your thoughts on one of Texas’ oldest State Parks in the comments.

    *In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.






South Llano River State Park

South Llano River State Park was a last minute adventure in early June 2018. We had originally planned to visit Enchanted Rock State Natural Area that day, but a strong storm had blown through the night before and lingered into the morning, deciding for us that it was a visit best saved for another day. Who wants to spend half the morning trudging through muddy trails to then climb up wet granite, AmIRight? Undeterred by the weather, we set out for a completely different adventure at SLRSP.

Rabbit Trail #1

I want to point out how utterly fantastic two apps are for exploring our excellent State Parks in Texas: 1) the Texas Parks & Wildlife app; and 2) my iPhone’s map app. When Enchanted Rock was off the table, all I had to do was open the Texas Parks & Wildlife app to see what was nearby (for us, that means within a 2 hour drive), press a couple of screens and there appeared step-by-step driving directions to our next adventure! Easy-breezy!

We caffeinated up on that wet morning and set out for South Llano River State Park, looking forward to getting in some hiking before the oppressive Texas heat set in for the day. While The Manling slept, I drove down beautiful Hill Country roads, blissfully alone in my thoughts. (Extroverts might not understand the bliss of aloneness. It’s maybe an Introverted thing? Move on.) The caffeine hit, not hard at first, but as I drove mile after mile after mile down the aforementioned beautiful Hill Country roads, my bladder began a slow panic as there were no public facilities in sight. An hour later, when we finally reentered civilization (meaning there was a McDonald’s), I made a beeline for the Golden Arches. Being an uber responsible grown up, I unplugged my phone (and only means of navigation), grabbed my purse, and hastily made my way to the ladies room, conveniently located halfway between McD’s and the gas station adjoined to it. “Relieved,” The Manling and I headed back to the car. We decided he would do some of the driving, since I thought we were close to our destination, while I navigated. He got onto the road heading in the direction we were going before our bio break, nearing the huge intersection at which I thought we might change roads…and I could not get either of my apps to load. We decided to go old school and pulled into a gas station to ask directions from an actual person. Which mortified my introverted Manling. And then, because I wasn’t sure I believed him, I asked directions from another actual person.

Rabbit Trail #2

When traveling on the beautiful back roads of Texas, have old school means of navigation as back up to your fancy pants apps because…

  • A great many of the state parks are in remote areas without trusty cell phone towers.
  • Beautiful back roads in Texas are fantastically twisty and turny and the odds of you being able to wing it to where you’re going (or back home) aren’t in your favor, friend.

We arrived at South Llano River State Park a few minutes later basically because locals rock. They know where the stuff in their town is located. They’re friendly and don’t seem to mind helping strangers with silly things like landmark-laden directions (ie turn right at the only stop light down the road a-ways). And they aren’t out to get you (unlike the pesky rattlesnakes in my imagination!). Trust them. They {likely} won’t steer you wrong.

Back to SLRSP – The Manling and I are of the opinion that South Llano River State Park has the quaintest, most welcoming HQ in the entire world, hands down. We haven’t visited all of the HQ’s in the entire world yet, but our opinion still stands. God bless my old iPhone, but the pics (below) just don’t do it justice. We thought it was some incredibly hospitable person’s home. There is a long porch shaded by a huge shade tree, a porch swing, wood chairs and a handful of hummingbird feeders being used by dozens of tiny hummingbirds. It’s completely and utterly delightful!

I spy with my little eye…a wee hummingbird! Can you see him?

After mapping a good plan with the Park Ranger for a hike that yielded the least chance of seeing rattlers with the best views in the park that also would include multiple opportunities for fishing and enjoying “safe” nature interaction (song birds and scaredy-cat deer), we headed toward the River Trail/Buck Lake Trail parking lot. We slathered sunscreen, packed water and fishing gear and headed to the trailhead. I won’t bore you with all the details of our adventure, but I will say this – We plan on returning to SLRSP this year! We absolutely fell in love with a place we didn’t intend to visit and had, frankly, never heard of before. Life sure can surprise you in wonderful ways, which directly ties in with…

Rabbit Trail #3

We saw no snakes! There was a bit of a scare involving a tree limb that blocked our wide path (and extended into the grass on either side of the trail by several feet) and whether or not we would have to turn around and walk all the way back around the way we came because the helpful park staff said if we just didn’t get off the trails into the grass OR climb onto any fallen trees there was no reason to think we’d have a negative encounter with any snakes and then my manling reasoned me into doing those things because The car is right there, Mom. and so I caved under the pressure of wanting to be cool only to have him stop in the tall grass to turn and ask me if I just wanted to go back at which point I raised my Mommy voice and ordered him to KEEP GOING!, which he did, and once we got back on the wide path I may have cried, which might have exasperated The Manling, but I gotta let it out, man, so deal.

Why We Love South Llano River State Park

  1. Headquarters. You may already have heard this, but the HQ at this state park is perfectly precious! You’ve got to experience it in person. The staff add to the warm, hospitable feel of the place and there is an overall vibe of “coming home” after a long journey at the park’s HQ.
  2. Buck Lake. It is nestled beside the river and actually not a long walk from the campsites, but it feels completely isolated. There are benches and a huge picnic table available, 95% of the area is shaded, song birds serenade you, deer graze in the nearby brush and the vast majority of the area is mowed & explorable even by my city girl standards. We spent a couple of glorious hours fishing, reading, exploring and enjoying the sights and sounds of this tamed area of the park. Love.
  3. Wide Trails. They have trails wide enough for a car. And they are flat, mostly shaded trails. Sure, you have to dodge the ginormous ants (remember the Indiana Jones movie?), but with wide trails, that’s easily accomplished.
  4. Camping. A family we met that was enjoying the water at the spillway keep coming back to SLRSP year after year to camp and for good reason. Some of the campsites were completely shaded and private, others were more open, so there is literally something for everyone. And the park is large enough that you could spend days exploring and experiencing it. We definitely plan to return when the weather cools so that we can tent camp in the quiet beauty of this park.
  5. Unplug. SLRSP offers you a genuine chance to unplug from technology and reconnect with your friends and family. Legitimately. Because there is absolutely no cell service. Anywhere. I promise. This. Is. Good. Trust me, you’ll leave thankful. (You will have to retrace your steps to that McDonald’s in town, hop on their WiFi, and download directions if you don’t have an old school paper map like this one that we bought the day after we got home from this trip.)

Must Do’s

  • Hike Buck Lake Trail & the River Trail. Carry water. Watch for ants. Enjoy nature’s soundtrack compliments of the river and the birds.
  • Fish at Buck Lake. There is shaded shoreline fishing and there is a pontoon-type pier across from the giant picnic table.
  • Cool off. There is a swim area proper and there is also a shallow area near the spillway as the water widens into the river that a family was enjoying while we were there. (No lifeguards on duty at either.)
  • Try your hand at birding. Ever seen or heard a Summer Tanager? You will at SLRSP because their little red bodies are everywhere adding color and beauty to your park experience. There are resources and staff in the quaint HQ that can help you identify all of the bird(s) that contributed to your South Llano River State Park soundtrack. Use them.
  • Talk to the Park Rangers. I know I have said this before, but these folks know and love their park. And they sincerely want you to have a positive experience!

We’d love to hear about your experiences at South Llano River State Park! Please share your thoughts on this precious park with the quaintest HQ in the world in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Colorado Bend State Park

The Manling has been looking forward to visiting Colorado Bend State Park for years! We finally made this trip a reality when we visited in early June 2018. I must confess that I was taken aback when we arrived and were greeted by the friendly park ranger at the self-pay entrance. When I inquired of said ranger if snakes really were in the park, I was told in no uncertain terms that they were. (I credit him for his sobering honesty in the face of my fearful, well…face.)

With the park trail map in hand (complete with a huge rattlesnake as clip art), we set out on the sarcastically long, slow drive from the entrance to the HQ, which is located at the river end of the park. During that long drive, my blood pressure rose, my breathing became more labored and I had all but talked myself out of getting out of the car, much less hiking to see the famed Gorman Falls, a 2.5-3 hour hike that is suppose to be well worth it. I prayed for the courage not to disappoint The Manling as we entered the HQ (which could accurately be described as a tiny house, if it were larger). As we headed back to the car, I saw a Honda Pilot full of what looked to be adventuresome 20-somethings getting their water and applying sunscreen. “Excuse me,” I ventured. As they turned to look at me, I continued, “Are you by any chance going to hike to Gorman Falls right now?” When they replied that they were, I quickly asked, “Would you mind if my son and I tagged along with your group?” Relieved that they accepted us as add-ons to their adventure, we headed to the trailhead to Gorman Falls, unfortunately located back at the entrance to the park. As we set out on the unbelievably long, slow drive back to the entrance, I was relieved we had a bona-fide group with which to hike. Again, I prayed for courage – and I had time to because the drive was so long – and when we finally arrived at the trailhead, I found that I had the courage to get out of the car. And then to make small talk with our “new friends.” And then to make our way toward the other end of the parking lot, where we met a couple that was returning from their own adventure.

“How was it?” I asked. It was fantastic, they said. Cool. I think I may have even smiled.

“Did you see any wildlife?” I ventured. “Any snakes?”

Oh yeah! they answered enthusiastically. We saw a rattlesnake and a skunk on the trail.

My new friends, eager for the fun to begin, gave nods of approval and headed onto the trail with a wave. I saw my opportunity to face my biggest fear (and impress The Manling with my stout courage) literally walking away and before I knew it, I had caught up and was officially on one of the scariest hikes of my life.

I say one of the scariest hikes of my life because I just knew it was infested with rattlesnakes.  That is the park’s chosen clip art for their trails map, after all! I was certain the rattlesnakes were scheming some kind of elaborate assault at some point during the 2.5 hours we were in that feral wilderness. And it would be one of my two calves (out of the 16 available in our hiking party) that would be targeted.

When we made it to Gorman Falls unmolested by the rattlers, I was very happily surprised. And diverted. It is breathtaking! It honestly looks like a tropical rainforest plopped into the rocky dirt that is the predominant geological feature of the Hill Country as far as I can tell. We explored a little, took photos, got our feet wet in the Colorado River (see photo) and cooled off in the shade for probably half an hour.

When we headed back up the steep ascent to the trail, we actually ran into that same ranger from the entrance. Remembering us, he asked if we’d seen any rattlesnakes. “No, thankfully,” I answered. Our group chatted a short while with him before finishing the last leg of a gloriously uneventful hiking experience (read that as we neither saw nor heard a single rattler).

Why We Love Colorado Bend State Park

  1. Gorman Falls. I don’t know if it was the sense of accomplishment or relief in finally making it to the falls, but this was by far the very best part of our time at CBSP. It is beautiful. It is a blessed respite from the summer heat in Texas. It is a refreshing oasis in the desert. And while all my talk of rattlesnakes may give you pause to reconsider, I encourage you to allow yourself this amazing adventure. After all, my imagination was the only thing that actually scared me.*
  2. Water. The park is located on the Colorado River, contains a beautiful lush waterfall, and boasts natural springs, all of which serve to help cool off in the heat of the day. Perfection.

Must Do’s

  • Spicewood Springs. Waterholes in Texas in the summer heat. Priceless. (Full disclosure, by the time we were ready for this part of our park adventure, we were suffering from the over 100* heat and decided we would save it for next time. BUT…I think every person we met highly recommended them, so hydrate and make the hike to Spicewood Springs. I’m told it’s way easier than other hikes in the park.)
  • Gorman Falls. I am so glad I didn’t let my fear make me miss experiencing Gorman Falls. Do what you’ve gotta do (buy snake boots, tag-along with a group, suck it up, whatever), but don’t leave CBSP without seeing Gorman Falls in person.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Colorado Bend State Park! Please share your thoughts on this untamed and untainted park in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.