Longhorn Cavern State Park

For kicks and giggles, we are going to pretend that I am just a bad photographer, not that I intentionally cropped myself out of yet another wretched selfie attempt because of my vanity.

Continuing in the tradition of transparency in sharing our adventures, I confess that our visit to Longhorn Cavern State Park in early June 2018 was not all it could have been. The big attraction at LCSP is, after all, the cavern. And we didn’t tour it. (Like I shared here, Texans Travel is a passion project and at the point of this writing, funded solely by The Man – God bless him. The pictures on the State Park website look truly amazing, but $17.50 per person to take a gander at the same up close & personal was too rich for our budget.)

After a much needed bio break following the drive to Longhorn Cavern State Park, The Manling and I made a beeline for the long-haired mature lady behind the information counter. She naturally asked if we were there for the cave tour (like the dozens of others buzzing about the gift shop). A tad bit embarrassed that we weren’t, I asked if there was anything else to do at LCSP other than tour the caverns. To my surprise, she smiled and said Absolutely there is! After reaching for a copy of the Park Map, she highlighted a great walking tour of the park that very conveniently began just outside the back doors to the building – which she walks or bikes every night with her husband and dogs. Because she lives there! She genuinely seemed glad that we wanted to explore her park and didn’t give us even the slightest vibe that she thought we were nut jobs for coming to a cavern and not looking at it.

In no time, The Manling and I were out the back doors and on the trail. A delightful trail, too! It was completely shaded, except for a patch around the middle, which made our exploring all the more pleasant. The trails were mostly wide dirt paths with a few rocky points thrown in for good measure. They were well-marked. And we even saw a few people along the way, also enjoying the one thing to do at LCSP besides the cavern tour. When all was said and done, I commented to The Manling that while I couldn’t have visited with a stroller when he and Kinder Frau were wee creatures, they would have loved running through the treed trails and climbing over the rocks as preschoolers and little folk.

Why We Love Longhorn Cavern State Park

  1. Park Staff. I say it so often it’s becoming my mantra, but the Park Staff love their park. They want you to love it, too. Talk to them, even if you’re embarrassed that you’re not doing the expected while you’re there. They will inevitably have alternative ideas to make your visit a memorable one.
  2. Trails. Shaded. Pretty. Kid-friendly. Great photography ops (though ironically I took no photos. The Manling and I were enjoying the sights and sounds on the trail and were obviously engrossed in super important conversation, which supersedes the need for remembering to snap pics on my iPhone.)

Must Do’s

  • Enjoy the Trails. There is shaded beauty awaiting you on the LCSP trails. They are well-marked, short trails that all intersect to make a longer trek if you’re game. See why our long-haired hostess enjoys them nightly with her hubs and pooches.
  • Tour the Cavern. I cannot speak from personal experience, of course, but I feel like I’d be remiss if I didn’t encourage you to check them out. They are why there is a State Park there, after all.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Longhorn Cavern State Park! Please share your thoughts on this underground gallery in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.


South Llano River State Park

South Llano River State Park was a last minute adventure in early June 2018. We had originally planned to visit Enchanted Rock State Natural Area that day, but a strong storm had blown through the night before and lingered into the morning, deciding for us that it was a visit best saved for another day. Who wants to spend half the morning trudging through muddy trails to then climb up wet granite, AmIRight? Undeterred by the weather, we set out for a completely different adventure at SLRSP.

Rabbit Trail #1

I want to point out how utterly fantastic two apps are for exploring our excellent State Parks in Texas: 1) the Texas Parks & Wildlife app; and 2) my iPhone’s map app. When Enchanted Rock was off the table, all I had to do was open the Texas Parks & Wildlife app to see what was nearby (for us, that means within a 2 hour drive), press a couple of screens and there appeared step-by-step driving directions to our next adventure! Easy-breezy!

We caffeinated up on that wet morning and set out for South Llano River State Park, looking forward to getting in some hiking before the oppressive Texas heat set in for the day. While The Manling slept, I drove down beautiful Hill Country roads, blissfully alone in my thoughts. (Extroverts might not understand the bliss of aloneness. It’s maybe an Introverted thing? Move on.) The caffeine hit, not hard at first, but as I drove mile after mile after mile down the aforementioned beautiful Hill Country roads, my bladder began a slow panic as there were no public facilities in sight. An hour later, when we finally reentered civilization (meaning there was a McDonald’s), I made a beeline for the Golden Arches. Being an uber responsible grown up, I unplugged my phone (and only means of navigation), grabbed my purse, and hastily made my way to the ladies room, conveniently located halfway between McD’s and the gas station adjoined to it. “Relieved,” The Manling and I headed back to the car. We decided he would do some of the driving, since I thought we were close to our destination, while I navigated. He got onto the road heading in the direction we were going before our bio break, nearing the huge intersection at which I thought we might change roads…and I could not get either of my apps to load. We decided to go old school and pulled into a gas station to ask directions from an actual person. Which mortified my introverted Manling. And then, because I wasn’t sure I believed him, I asked directions from another actual person.

Rabbit Trail #2

When traveling on the beautiful back roads of Texas, have old school means of navigation as back up to your fancy pants apps because…

  • A great many of the state parks are in remote areas without trusty cell phone towers.
  • Beautiful back roads in Texas are fantastically twisty and turny and the odds of you being able to wing it to where you’re going (or back home) aren’t in your favor, friend.

We arrived at South Llano River State Park a few minutes later basically because locals rock. They know where the stuff in their town is located. They’re friendly and don’t seem to mind helping strangers with silly things like landmark-laden directions (ie turn right at the only stop light down the road a-ways). And they aren’t out to get you (unlike the pesky rattlesnakes in my imagination!). Trust them. They {likely} won’t steer you wrong.

Back to SLRSP – The Manling and I are of the opinion that South Llano River State Park has the quaintest, most welcoming HQ in the entire world, hands down. We haven’t visited all of the HQ’s in the entire world yet, but our opinion still stands. God bless my old iPhone, but the pics (below) just don’t do it justice. We thought it was some incredibly hospitable person’s home. There is a long porch shaded by a huge shade tree, a porch swing, wood chairs and a handful of hummingbird feeders being used by dozens of tiny hummingbirds. It’s completely and utterly delightful!

I spy with my little eye…a wee hummingbird! Can you see him?

After mapping a good plan with the Park Ranger for a hike that yielded the least chance of seeing rattlers with the best views in the park that also would include multiple opportunities for fishing and enjoying “safe” nature interaction (song birds and scaredy-cat deer), we headed toward the River Trail/Buck Lake Trail parking lot. We slathered sunscreen, packed water and fishing gear and headed to the trailhead. I won’t bore you with all the details of our adventure, but I will say this – We plan on returning to SLRSP this year! We absolutely fell in love with a place we didn’t intend to visit and had, frankly, never heard of before. Life sure can surprise you in wonderful ways, which directly ties in with…

Rabbit Trail #3

We saw no snakes! There was a bit of a scare involving a tree limb that blocked our wide path (and extended into the grass on either side of the trail by several feet) and whether or not we would have to turn around and walk all the way back around the way we came because the helpful park staff said if we just didn’t get off the trails into the grass OR climb onto any fallen trees there was no reason to think we’d have a negative encounter with any snakes and then my manling reasoned me into doing those things because The car is right there, Mom. and so I caved under the pressure of wanting to be cool only to have him stop in the tall grass to turn and ask me if I just wanted to go back at which point I raised my Mommy voice and ordered him to KEEP GOING!, which he did, and once we got back on the wide path I may have cried, which might have exasperated The Manling, but I gotta let it out, man, so deal.

Why We Love South Llano River State Park

  1. Headquarters. You may already have heard this, but the HQ at this state park is perfectly precious! You’ve got to experience it in person. The staff add to the warm, hospitable feel of the place and there is an overall vibe of “coming home” after a long journey at the park’s HQ.
  2. Buck Lake. It is nestled beside the river and actually not a long walk from the campsites, but it feels completely isolated. There are benches and a huge picnic table available, 95% of the area is shaded, song birds serenade you, deer graze in the nearby brush and the vast majority of the area is mowed & explorable even by my city girl standards. We spent a couple of glorious hours fishing, reading, exploring and enjoying the sights and sounds of this tamed area of the park. Love.
  3. Wide Trails. They have trails wide enough for a car. And they are flat, mostly shaded trails. Sure, you have to dodge the ginormous ants (remember the Indiana Jones movie?), but with wide trails, that’s easily accomplished.
  4. Camping. A family we met that was enjoying the water at the spillway keep coming back to SLRSP year after year to camp and for good reason. Some of the campsites were completely shaded and private, others were more open, so there is literally something for everyone. And the park is large enough that you could spend days exploring and experiencing it. We definitely plan to return when the weather cools so that we can tent camp in the quiet beauty of this park.
  5. Unplug. SLRSP offers you a genuine chance to unplug from technology and reconnect with your friends and family. Legitimately. Because there is absolutely no cell service. Anywhere. I promise. This. Is. Good. Trust me, you’ll leave thankful. (You will have to retrace your steps to that McDonald’s in town, hop on their WiFi, and download directions if you don’t have an old school paper map like this one that we bought the day after we got home from this trip.)

Must Do’s

  • Hike Buck Lake Trail & the River Trail. Carry water. Watch for ants. Enjoy nature’s soundtrack compliments of the river and the birds.
  • Fish at Buck Lake. There is shaded shoreline fishing and there is a pontoon-type pier across from the giant picnic table.
  • Cool off. There is a swim area proper and there is also a shallow area near the spillway as the water widens into the river that a family was enjoying while we were there. (No lifeguards on duty at either.)
  • Try your hand at birding. Ever seen or heard a Summer Tanager? You will at SLRSP because their little red bodies are everywhere adding color and beauty to your park experience. There are resources and staff in the quaint HQ that can help you identify all of the bird(s) that contributed to your South Llano River State Park soundtrack. Use them.
  • Talk to the Park Rangers. I know I have said this before, but these folks know and love their park. And they sincerely want you to have a positive experience!

We’d love to hear about your experiences at South Llano River State Park! Please share your thoughts on this precious park with the quaintest HQ in the world in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Purtis Creek State Park

Purtis Creek State Park has been a favorite of ours since The Manling was a Cub Scout. It’s a smaller state park in the Prairies & Lakes region of Texas, an easy hour and fifteen minute drive from Dallas.

We love Purtis Creek because…

  1. Trees. They are everywhere and in Texas shade is a savory thing. Plus, they’re pretty. Life is short, so enjoy the view.
  2. Water. Water is always on our radar when traveling in Texas. Not only is it pretty (see #1), it is cooling on 100 degree days and it’s the best element in which to go fishing, which happens to be my manling’s love language. (Side note: We have literally never left Purtis Creek SP without catching* something. Ever. And catching is way more fun than just fishing.)
  3. Uncrowded. Summer months can draw crowds (because of #1 & #2), but weekdays the rest of the year are blissfully uncrowded. You can almost trick yourself into thinking you’ve struck it rich and all this is yours. Love.

Must Do’s:

  • swim
  • fish – from the dam, the shoreline on the far side of the dam and the two piers in the camping area; we use canned corn and worms
  • hike one of the trails through the towering trees or the creative Solar Trail along the dam
  • interact with the park staff; their love for the park is contagious
  • camp (our personal picks are lakeside sites #21-24, but truthfully most of the campsites are private with plenty of shade and natural divisions)
  • enjoy the wildlife – moles, coyotes, birds, fish

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Purtis Creek State Park! Please share your thoughts on this East Texas gem in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.