Galveston Island State Park

Galveston Island State Park is a park we’ve returned to again and again. No two visits are the same.

August 2018

There was the year that Galveston had the fiercest storm they’d had in years and we erected our palatial three-room tent in the deluge only to have the wind snap our poles and render our fancy digs dumpster fodder. The one in which we were awake half the night praying begging prayers for the good Lord to deliver us from literally being blown into the bay. The camp out when we learned that the most beautiful sunsets are after the most trying storms. The one during which we carpe diem’d every moment, rain or shine, and discovered that I hate raccoons with an unnatural fervency. We geocached. We rode horses on the beach. We fished and caught a crab and a sting ray. We were bullied out of the bathrooms by hundreds of tiny crabs. And that is the one we look back on with the fondest memories!

Circa 2014

Then there was the one we abhor. Nothing went right in the most unpleasant of ways. The mosquitos were on us like it was their paying jobs to give us the West Nile virus. The tent camping loop, we discovered, had no electricity. That mattered because it was the end of summer, 100 degrees at night, and we had zero means to plug in our oscillating fans – must-haves for summer camping in Texas. Our neighbors arrived late (after 10pm) and proceeded to erect their tent and party like it was 1999 until 3 or 4am – and the only thing between our ears and their partying was a flap of canvas. The year The Man and The Manling decided sunscreen was of the devil and fishing in the ocean without it (or a shirt) for a few hours would be no big deal (it was). The trip when we all secretly wished to pack up and go home and eventually one of us ventured to put out a feeler to the idea at which ALL of us heaved deep sighs of relief and got to packing.

Circa 2015

And then there was this year, when The Manling and I were the late arrivals, erecting our two tiny tents by the headlights of the Tiny Toyota Tardis (because the Yaris is bigger on the inside). This time, however, we were in a smaller, but electric site (RV loop) so we were able to have tiny fans to keep us cool. To God be the glory!

Note: white extension cords to our tents. So much better with the air moving! Bonus note: white noise to drown out the nocturnal critter sounds.

We set our alarms to wake up at the crack of dawn so that we could watch the sun rise over the water, a new thing for us at GISP and one which we highly recommend anywhere you are camping. There is seriously not a better way to start your day.

The crack of dawn came too early for one of us. (Love this pic taken from inside my tent of The Manling inside his.)
Two gates between our camp site and the beach, which The Manling lethargically unlocked and opened for us using the code supplied for late arrivals.
I won’t lie to you. Facing that narrow path in the wee, still-mostly-dark hours was a bit daunting…because snakes.
But then I looked to the east and knew this would be one sunrise worth facing my fears.
Glad to be oh-so-right!

As we continued to wake, The Manling took to the solitude of the surf, hoping to land “the big one,” and I took to the solitude of the shower because I’m a girl that likes to feel clean even if all I will do is sweat the rest of the day. It’s a quirk I don’t mind having.

Freshly showered in GISP’s excellent cedar restrooms (seriously, these things are luxurious!), I spent the rest of the day watching The Manling enjoy his favorite past time while surrendering to the peaceful serenity of beach life. (We attempted to geocache at one point, but the spot the app led us to was too overgrown for my personal comfort. And we talked about hiking to the Observation Tower, but eventually decided to save that adventure for another trip. It was a hundred degrees, after all, so why exert yourself when the beach beckons?)

I love watching him cast the net and he loves not paying for bait fish. Win-win!

I don’t think I ever noticed how chock full of wildlife the beach is!

A flock of…pelicans!

This little guy stalked The Manling the entire time he fished in this spot on the Bayside, hoping for a free meal.

Why We Love Galveston Island State Park

  1. Facilities. Galveston Island State Park had the first truly nice restrooms we’d ever experienced within a State Park. And years later, they are still amazing. This means a lot to skittish visitors like myself, especially when staying overnight and having to use the showers to wash off the stink from fishing and hundred degree days. Well done, GISP!
  2. Fishing. The fishing is really good from the Bayside shores, from kayaks, or standing in the Gulf of Mexico…you will feel like an expert angler at GISP, especially if you use fresh shrimp.
  3. Camping. We have camped beachside and bayside (both loops). There’s just not a bad place to hang your hat at GISP. (Word to the wise, if you’re camping during the summer, bring a fan and use the RV loop or beachside so that you’ll have electricity. Trust me.)
  4. Sunrise/Sunset. Worth every minute of lost sleep, GISP appears to have cornered the market on the most brilliantly colored sunrises and sunsets available to man. Enjoy them!

Must Do’s

  • Stay. They have new-ish cabins on the Bayside; RV loop with hookups and a tent loop with no hook ups on the Bayside; and electric/water sites on the Beachside for RV or tents. There is something for everyone and every budget, so what are you waiting for?
  • Fish. The Manling prefers the peaceful tranquility of the Bayside, but beach fishing at GISP has also been good to him. Use shrimp or bait fish.
  • Explore. That Observation Tower looks like a Must Do for us on our next visit. The geocaching is pretty great on either side of the park and is a great way to explore a new area. Rent or take your own kayak for some excellent Bayside exploration via paddling trails. There are almost 5 miles of trails on land, too. Or stroll down the beach in either direction.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Galveston Island State Park! Please share your experiences at this beachy retreat of a State Park in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Martin Dies Jr. State Park

Martin Dies Jr. State Park has not one, not two, but THREE different units! It is ginormous!!

By the time we visited our 37th Texas State Park, we kind of figured we knew what we’d signed up for, and what to expect. We knew the drill. After visiting 36 State Parks, we had developed a kind of rhythm to it.

And then we visited Martin Dies Jr. State Park.

Let me start by gushing over how utterly gasp-worthy the drive to the HQ was when we visited in 2018. We’re talking towering trees lining the road, creating the most inviting and sporadically shaded drive that was akin to that scene in Keira Knightley’s version of Pride & Prejudice when she was visiting the Lake District with her Aunt & Uncle, riding along the English landscape, face upturned to the canopied trees, eyes closed, enjoying the bright bursts of sunshine through her closed lids that was punctuated now and again by the overhanging limbs. It was exactly that kind of beautiful drive that greeted us upon entry into the park that late summer day in mid-August.

The epic nature of that first introduction to MDJSP doesn’t really translate onto the screen. You’ll have to just trust me.

Maps in hand, we decided to do a scenic drive through of the park, get our bearings, and figure out where The Manling wanted to drop his first line in the water. We drove through what looked like a community of Little Houses on the Prairie. We passed countless camp sites, every one looking like it would be the best. We crossed over the quaintest bridge where we noticed a pontoon-type pier near the rental canoes. We saw open lake. We saw little inlets that looked freshly plucked out of Jurassic World. We saw and heard birds. We looked for ‘gators. We hiked part of the Island Trail. We saw the Observation Pier. Pretty much, we explored all the nooks and crannies MDJSP has to offer and came away with this: East Texas takes state parking to a whole different level!

The Manling doing a little fishing on the pontoon-style pier.

I couldn’t help being reminded of Parent Trap when I saw these. Love!
An example of the stellar camp sites available at MDJSP.
Campsite view of the lake under the shade of the towering trees. Bliss.
Part of the beautiful Island Trail, a great example of the lazy paths through the tall trees, never out of view of the water.
Cue the theme to Little House on the Prairie, please.
The Manling feeling right at home. I think Lake Life is in his future.
Love, love, love when the waters are covered like that. I don’t know what it is, but I do know that you can spot “alligator tracks” in them. Thumbs up!
Seriously the best reflection pictures are available late afternoon just about anywhere in the park that the sun can shine through the trees.
The Manling’s Mom totally appreciates the “sea wall” from which he got to fish. She’s not over fond of him being in the water when alligators call it home.
I can feel the tension in my muscles relaxing just looking at photos like this. This is one of my happy places, I think.

I want to point out that we get a lot of comments on our adventures when some mishap occurred, or we underprepared and suffered the consequences, or my imagination got the best of me, or we pushed the limits of awesome to achieve greatness. This is such a recurrent theme that I almost want to apologize for not having such a tale to tell from our time at Martin Dies Jr. State Park. But just almost.

I’m not going to apologize or make excuses because, truth be told, I needed this park, in this way, at this time. I needed to relax. I needed to allow the beauty and calm of the sights and sounds of nature to press the RESET button on my life. I needed a hiatus from the habitual business of life, and just Be. And that is exactly what MDJSP offered me. Respite. Peace. Breathing space. An intermission. A good ol’ fashioned time out.

Thank you, Martin Dies Jr. State Park. You were exactly what I didn’t know I needed.

Why We Love Martin Dies Jr. State Park

  1. Log Cabin Village. Big fans of the Little House series, we adored the little log cabins available to overnight guests. They even have them with a/c. Simply irresistible.
  2. Fishing. So many miles of shoreline. So many piers. So many places to fish.
  3. Exploring. The trails absolutely rock. They have soft ground trails with towering trees overhead and a wealth of wildlife living in them. Try your hand a geocaching! In our opinion, it’s the BEST way to explore! Or grab your mountain bike for an afternoon on the trails.
  4. Water. Two rivers converge where MDJSP is situated. Take to the water, especially if your visit happens during the six months of summer we seem to have here in Texas.
  5. Alligators. Never saw one on our visit, but I gotta tell you, it’s exciting to look. Just the possibility of seeing one is an attraction in our book.
  6. Camp Sites. Truly, The Manling and I kept spotting “the best campsite” around every corner. They are all magnificent and spacious, especially the ones that back up to the water.
  7. Loaners. You can rent canoes, kayaks, and bikes. They even have a volleyball if the mood strikes that you can borrow for free at the HQ. I love that you don’t have to haul all of your own equipment. They’ve got you covered.

Must Do’s

  • Fish. There are a number of fishing piers and various places along the vast shorelines to drop a line.
  • Hike. So many easy trails on soft surfaces. Your dogs shouldn’t be barkin’ after exploring these.
  • Relax. Seriously, I felt so much lighter while we were at MDJSP. So peaceful. So beautiful. Such respite.
  • Stay. Whether in a cabin, a shelter, or a camp site, I honestly don’t think you could go wrong planning an overnighter at MDJSP. Picture perfect paradise.


We’d love to hear about your experiences at Martin Dies Jr. State Park! Please leave your comments on this picture perfect, peaceful, life reset below.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Dinosaur Valley State Park

The Reader at the entrance to her park

Dinosaur Valley State Park happens to be The Readers absolute favorite Texas State Park, so our excitement when she said she could join us on our Independence Day visit in 2018 was undeniable. We were going to have a real, live S.M.E. (subject matter expert) with us for the day, enlivening our experience as she shared her stories, favorite trails, and contagious enthusiasm for what clearly is her beloved park. And for good reason! Where else can you meander down a river laden with bona fide dinosaur tracks, scale rocky precipices for a bird’s eye view of the park, pet a baby goat that you thought was a deer, swim in something as creepy sounding at the Blue Hole, geocache in an area that looks plopped out of The Lord of the Rings, and basically have a chill day with the ones you love even though it’s hot as Hades?

Walking to the Ballroom Site of the Paluxy River
So many tracks! They are everywhere!
We waded down most of the Paluxy River, enjoying the cool water on this hot day.
The Manling took a dip near the Blue Hole.
The sweet little thing even lives inside the people house with her owner.
Not exactly what we’d recommend for rock climbing.
Goofy Shenanigans 101
Our Awesome Aussie!
Great Dad moment
The drier portion of the Paluxy had fewer people, but there were still dinosaur tracks to find.
Beautiful. Quiet. Peaceful.
This is near where we excited the river to walk through the central part of the park back to our car. I loved the shade and the view and the solitude of the moment on a rather hectic holiday.
Cannot get enough of these! It’s something straight out of Jurassic World at DVSP!
Hey, buddy. Is anyone else remembering that scene in Jurassic World? (insert teary-eyed emogee.)
The caches were great finds in absolutely gorgeous areas of canopied trees with shade and beautiful birdsong.

Why We Love Dinosaur Valley State Park

  1. Dinosaurs. This is the unmistakable draw of the place. You can actually touch bona fide dino footprints. You can compare foot sizes. The Ballroom Site has hundreds of footprints going in all directions. There are two resident dinosaurs that are ready to selfie with you when you visit, as well, so make sure to stop by and say hello.
  2. Water. The Paluxy River was important to our Jurassic friends in the past and it remains an important feature to us today. Take a dip. Wade. Meander among the dinosaur tracks. Enjoy the Blue Hole. Float in a tube. Live in the moment.
  3. Trails. With over 20 miles of trails, there’s bound to be one perfect for you to try. We enjoyed the Limestone Ledge Trail and the Overlook Trail on this visit because of the spectacular views of the surrounding area.
  4. Geocaching. The River portion of the park and the interior portion of the park seem like two completely different places. Go geocaching and explore more than just the river. It’s a great way to take in the beauty of this amazing Texas State Park.

Must Do’s

  • Scenic Overlook. Make sure you have shoes with good, grippy soles because it gets steep in places, then do yourself a favor and enjoy this hike. The payoff at the top is worth it!
  • Paluxy River. A lot (if not all?) of the tracks are in the river, so go down in there and enjoy!
  • Geocache. This is simply the best way to explore, in my opinion. You will go places you would not have otherwise explored and leave with a sense of accomplishment, as well. Win-win.
  • Dinos. Visit the tracks. Visit the residents. Dinos aplenty at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Up the ante and watch Jurassic Park before going. I guarantee it will heighten your experience at the park!


We’d love to hear about your experiences at Dinosaur Valley State Park! Please share your thoughts on this prehistoric piece of paradise in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Lake Tawakoni State Park

Beloved Lake Tawakoni State Park,

We have fished you, biked you, hiked you, swum you, camped you, and deeply loved you since we first discovered you and the Texas State Parks system.

Our affection for your tall trees, sandy beaches, meandering trails, and picturesque shoreline fishing spots has only grown deeper as the kids have grown taller. You provided the perfect backdrop to some of our favorite memories like the first camp out The Manling planned all by himself with his little Scout friends…

Circa 2014, which was a lifetime ago because that is how time passes when you’re in the Wonder Years. The boys had a camp site all to themselves while Kinder Frau and I camped separately one spot over. Good times.

…and the many hours of playing fetch with Elanor (R.I.P., most faithful canine companion) and Rosie…

Awww, I just noticed wee Kinder Frau in the background swimming.

…and the group bike rides on your wide paths that left us feeling a deep sense of satisfaction and accomplishment…

…and the times spent swimming in your depths because it was a thousand degrees that summer…

…and the time of togetherness in the tent when Kinder Frau and I read aloud from Pride & Prejudice during that summer rain shower…

…and the pages upon pages of lakeside reading I have enjoyed while the minions fished and frolicked in your nearby waters…

…and the time the minions and I ran your trails and I inadvertently just missed stepping on that skinny green snake because we were living our best life instead of fretting over slithery adversaries…

…and the list goes on and on and on.

In late June 2018, we added another priceless memory into our shared history together, Lake Tawakoni State Park: scenic backdrop for a photo shoot. After all, Kinder Frau has a public to please nowadays.

While The Man and The Manling got their shoreline fishing on…

…I was Kinder Frau’s to command for a couple of hours during an on-location photo shoot within your breathtaking boundaries.

Exploring your paths and shores and even your roadways was so much fun as the two of us simultaneously walked down memory lane, one location at a time.

Lake Tawakoni State Park, you’re our soulmate. You complete our family like no other Texas State Park. You’re always up for a visit from us, and you have never failed to deliver an awesome adventure for our family. For that, we will always love you.

Thanks for the memories, LTSP.  –The Smiths

Why We Love Lake Tawakoni State Park

  1. Fishing. I’m pretty sure we’ve caught every single time we’ve dropped a line from the shores of LTSP. The water levels fluctuate, but the fishing is always pretty great on the lake. Or try your luck at the picturesque Pair-O-Trees Pond on the right, just past the HQ.
  2. Sandy Beaches. In North Texas, there’s no pretending that we’ve got this beach thing down. It’s an exasperatingly long car ride to the Gulf from our humble abodes. Which is why when we find inviting sandy beaches, we are all in. LTSP has the prettiest light sand beaches. Grab your camping chair, a good book, and go find yourself a private piece of beach-y paradise, my friend. LTSP’s got you covered.
  3. Meandering Trails. The trails are wide, well-kept, mostly shaded and the Spring Point Trails (on the east side of the park) are delightful to enjoy at a casual pace. Life is fast-paced. Take your time and meander down one of LTSP’s almost 5 miles of trail.
  4. Camping. LTSP has really great camp sites. They are mostly private with excellent shade. We have enjoyed an excellent array of flighty friends visiting us while we camped and their birdsong is the absolute best way to wake up any day of the week.
  5. Tall Trees. I hail from Alabama, whose motto is “Alabama the Beautiful.” Mama loves her tall trees and LTSP has some really tall beauties which are a feast for the eyes and minister to the body as they shade you from the Texas summer heat. They will be your constant companion no matter where you explore in the park. Love them. Appreciate them. They are the best.
  6. Biking. The three loops off of the Farkleberry Trail are excellent for biking. They are shaded by the aforementioned tall trees, wide, twisty-turny, and well-kept so that your adventure will end up a positive one. The Manling and Kinder Frau have ridden those trails since they learned to ride bikes, so in our opinion, they make for great family rides.
  7. Photo Ops. Sure, we’ve always taken pics on our visits to LTSP. But they’ve always been to preserve our family memories. After our last visit, we’ve seen the park in a whole new light! Seize the Golden Hour at LTSP and capture some breathtaking family photos in this beautiful landscape that LTSP has to offer.

Must Do’s

  • Fish. Pair-O-Trees Pond or shoreline fishing? You can’t miss. You’re welcome.
  • Camp. Like I said, the camping spots all seem primo at LTSP, but personally, we love the White Deer Reach Camping Loop, specifically sites #17-21. The sites on the outside seem the most private and the sites on the inside of the loop are big.
  • Explore. Almost 5 miles of trail are doable in one visit! Explore them all, or choose a shorter adventure. Run the trails. Or bike. Or meander. Just get out there and explore the beauty LTSP’s trails has to offer.
  • Play. Do something fun. Mountain bike. Hike. Fish. Meander down the shoreline. Have a photo shoot. Play fetch in the water with your dog. Swim. Do something fun! Its good for you.
  • Relax. Look, you are busy. Life is busy. You cannot avoid the stressures of daily life. But you can escape them for a day…or extended weekend. LTSP is the perfect place to de-stress, relax, and recenter. Do yourself a solid and let LTSP help you ease your angst.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Lake Tawakoni State Park! Please share your thoughts on the Smith Family’s State Park Soulmate in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

McKinney Falls State Park

We first discovered McKinney Falls State Park several summers ago when The Man and I took The Manling and Kinder Frau on a “Tour of Texas Waterholes.” It held fond memories for us, especially the wet trek down Williamson Creek while holding an impromptu rock skipping contest. We swam in the Lower Falls, and the guys fished a bit that visit, but we didn’t explore the park properly that first trip because we were on a schedule and had to get to the next waterhole.

Pay attention to this photo out of yesteryear. It will be important later during the test-taking portion of this post.
The water felt so good on that hot, hot Texas summer day. Soon we were skipping rocks and talking big and having a grand ole time until we decided to change into our swimsuits and submerge ourselves in the Lower Falls.

The second time we visited MFSP was in mid-June 2018. The weather was threatening a pretty big thunderstorm, so we weren’t sure exactly how long we’d have to explore the park before we had to take shelter. As we arrived, people were exiting because of the aforementioned thunderstorms headed our way. Exactly like Superheroes, we headed the opposite direction from the fleeing masses. Toward the danger. Into the unknown.

Okay, in reality, some people left and they may have just been tired. I can’t know everything. What I do know is that when we took this entry selfie –

Test-taking portion of the post. Find ten things that are different in this entry photo than the one out of yesteryear. (Answer at the bottom, but don’t cheat and scroll down without first really trying. That’s no way to go about life.)

– the sky behind us was blue and the sky in front of us looked pretty scary. Like, I-think-we-might-be-in-Kansas kind of scary. But we headed in anyway because, honestly, we’d bothered to drive all this way and it was not going to be for nothing. Because we’d already done some of the things in this park previously and because it was Father’s Day Weekend and The Man loves to hike, we focused primarily on hiking. Well, that and fishing because The Manling had just turned the big 1-8 and life is colorless for him unless he can drop a line in the water.

After constructing a good attack pattern with the Park Staff in the HQ (and buying a cute window sticker for the Tiny Toyota Tardis – because the Yaris in bigger on the inside), we pointed the Jeep toward the Lower Falls. Even though the park sometimes has to close due to capacity, we found a great parking spot recently vacated by a park evacuee. We headed on foot to the rock flats. We hunted for the famed “ruts” in the rock caused by wagon wheels in the days of the Old West. We stared at the people swimming in the Lower Falls. And then we began hiking the pleasant (and mostly shaded) Rock Shelter Interpretive Trail.

The vast rock flats aren’t far from the parking area and lie between that and the water of the Lower Falls. Notice the blue skies on the left, and the heavy dark clouds on the right.
We “think” this is the Rock Shelter (#4 on the Trails Map), but it was a neat spot overlooking the water even if it wasn’t.
Heading toward the Rock Shelter Interpretive Trail from the rock flats for a quickie hike.
A stop along the Rock Shelter Interpretive Trail to enjoy the view of the creek below.
A view of the creek they are enjoying in the above pic.
The Manling, longing for his rod & reel.
I love this pic because it’s not even staged! The Manling took the narrower path that followed the creek more closely while The Man led his ladies down the wider path.
At this point, I haven’t the faintest idea where we are. The trail seemed to close ahead, so we turned back after admiring the view in the next photo.
We think that’s a beaver’s dam.

We divided and conquered after that first hike. Kinder Frau and I opted for the air conditioned Jeep while The Man and The Manling went fishing. This translated into us rating all the campsites (see below under Must Do’s) as we explored every single road in the park from the comfort of our car while the guys headed back to the Lower Falls area to do their thing.

When we met back up, we decided to explore the other side of Lower Falls in search of both the Gristmill (#9 on the Trails Map) and the McKinney Homestead (#8 on the Trails Map, and for which the park is named). Both were packed with lush foliage, and cool breezes because of the thunderstorm rolling into the area.

This was a pretty, green, well-maintained path through tall trees with lush undergrowth – and plenty of places for snakes to hide. But I was motivated. I’m a sucker for the historical stuff.
The Man admitted that once the trail narrowed this much with the lush greenery thick all around, he walked faster and kept well ahead so that I couldn’t easily engender his sympathies with my rapid breathing and force us to head back to safer grounds where rattlers weren’t waiting to wound us, thereby missing the focal point of our hike – the McKinney Homestead. I’m so thankful for him because I loved this hike and stepping back into history at the homestead.
The remains of the McKinney homestead. Well worth the panic I paid to get there.

We enjoyed a few hours pleasantly spent rediscovering a history-rich, water-filled state park located in the state’s capital with exactly no run-ins with my arch-nemesis the rattlesnake. Or a Texas summer thunderstorm. #winning

Oh, and about the test-taking portion of the post. There isn’t one. I just thought it was cool that the three of them were almost identical to the photo from years ago…before selfies were a thing and I was always behind the camera instead of in front of it. Don’t hate me. I thought it would be funny.

Why We Love McKinney Falls State Park

  1. Water. This is an essential ingredient to enjoying any summertime activity in Texas. Wade down a creek. Swim at one of the falls. Float down the creek. Fish in the water. Trust me.
  2. Trails. The foliage even in the heat of an oppressive Texas summer is so lush and beautiful! It’s like MFSP didn’t get the memo that it’s time for everything growing to turn brown under the summer sun. It’s beautiful with lots of shade. There’s no downside to that winning combo.
  3. History. Pick up a Trails Map from the HQ. Pick a trail. Follow it, reading the bits about certain spots you pass along your walk. Read the signs. The place is rich with Texas history!

Must Do’s

  • Hike. The trails are well-maintained, marked and easily traveled. In fact, I would say the trails are more like paths than most of the hiking trails we’ve traveled at other parks. We even came across an elderly couple with their yippie dogs coming from the homestead and gristmill trails and they said it was an enjoyable walk when we asked them.
  • Swim. Both times we have visited MFSP, the water levels were low. But that didn’t keep anyone from enjoying either of the falls. I’m telling you, opportunities for wet fun in Texas in the summer is what you want and MFSP has it.
  • Camp. We were hard-pressed to find a bad camping spot. All of them were shaded and spacious and completely delightful for a weekend visit or a week-long trip. We look forward to returning and taking our own advice!
  • Explore. One of our fondest memories continues to be the time we explored Williamson Creek and had a rock-skipping contest. Bring your sense of adventure and have fun exploring the capital’s own State Park.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at McKinney Falls State Park! Please share your thoughts on this Texas State Capital gem in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

Falcon State Park

Texas is big. Colossal. Massive. Ginormous. YUGE (as President Trump would say). As a resident of North Texas, you have to get up early and ride like the wind if you want to visit South Texas –  because geography. (Or go halfsies, spend the night in an airbnb RV on a rural ranchette in Llano, TX, and drive the rest of the way the next day so that you’re not all Hunchback of Notre Dame from hours on end in the car once you reach your faraway destination.)

Father’s Day weekend 2018, we went the halfsies route.

Being unfamiliar with the South Texas Plains, I took to the internet and researched the area we’d call home over the extended weekend prior to our visit. I was specifically interested in two things: 1) What slithery neighbors we might encounter of the zero-legged nature; and 2) Is human trafficking a concern (because since I first saw Taken with Liam Neeson, this has been a back-burner concern of mine, being a mom of two attractive daughters). I researched, read, and then reached out to Texas Parks and Wildlife a couple of weeks before our trip because my diligence uncovered an incident involving drugs and pirates and kidnapping and I tend to obsess about such things. I was assured repeatedly (because I repeatedly asked the same question in varying detail about the aforementioned drugs, piracy and kidnapping – don’t judge) that they have had no incidents within their boundaries. That being the case, we booked a shelter with air conditioning (because, hello, it’s June in Texas) and prayed begging prayers that the no-incidents-within-the-park streak would continue through our visit. Because we’re myopic that way.

I called Falcon State Park on the road the day we arrived because we knew we would arrive after the HQ closed and we needed to know how to get into our locked shelter after business hours. Two things happened that were complete surprises upon our arrival: 1) We were greeted by State Park Police at the gate who were checking every single car entering the park; and 2) When we arrived at Shelter #9 – our home sweet home for the weekend – we discovered that the Park Staff not only left the light on for us by the door, but they had also turned on the a/c so that it would be cool upon our arrival. <3 The FSP Staff could not have offered a better welcome to their park for us – a feeling of safety and chill.

You served us well, air conditioned shelter #9 with the locked door.

Once we unpacked the Jeep, set up our beds, and ate our Fry-day dinner (Smith family camping tradition dictates deep fried food on our first night camping, which usually falls on Friday/Fry-day.), we headed toward the beach for some fishing. We parked at the boat launch parking lot, planning to do some shoreline fishing only to discover the water level wasn’t quite up to snuff. We prepped ourselves for some hiking to actually get to the water when a Park Ranger entered the parking lot. He explained that if we just drove through those trees there, we would be able to reach the beach in our Jeep.

Me: Um, really??? We’re allowed to drive our vehicle off road?!?!

At this point, I should probably point out that there are always, always, always taboo roads or paths at Texas State Parks and while your first instinct may be to explore them, the signage clearly indicates that it would be a no-no. This is the first time we have been invited to be “naughty” and explore off road and I’ve gotta tell you, we were having it!!

We navigated the Jeep past trees and deep ruts in the combo sand/dirt path, smiling and squealing like school girls as we were tossed about the interior of the car on our first off-road adventure in the Jeep. Not too far away, we saw several extra-large pick up trucks attached to boat trailers in what appeared to be the make-shift boat launch/parking area. We parked the Jeep beside one of the behemoth trucks and just as we were beginning to feel some size-related issues, the same friendly Park Ranger drove by and suggested we go further.

Friendly Park Ranger: Keep driving until you get to the beach. You can park over there.

Me: Are you for real?

Friendly Park Ranger: Yes, ma’am.

And we did just that, dear reader. We drove further off road. We parked on the beach. Like rule breakers. Like rebellious fisher-people.

And then, giddy and completely feeling ourselves, we fished. And photographed. And explored the beach. And watched as other awesome people did the same, but with jet skiis, kayaks and boats, too! It was the magic moment during our weekend spent shelter camping on the border of Mexico. Sure, we enjoyed the bat show in the evening and the peccaries that came to see us off at 6:30am, but that off road fishing adventure? That was epic.

Breathtaking beauty at the border
Like Father…
…like son.

Why We Love Falcon State Park

  1. Air Conditioned Shelters. No need to let the Texas summer heat keep you from enjoying camping. Staying in an air conditioned shelter was a new experience for us and we loved it! The a/c worked so well in our beloved Shelter #9 that we felt like we needed more blankets. Awesome problem to have when it’s 100* outside! (Note: The outlets are very high on the walls, so bring an extension cord for electronics.)
  2. Off-roading. The fact that you can drive onto the beach is priceless! Seriously awesome! (Just make sure you have a vehicle that can take the beating of the uneven, deeply rutted sand/dirt paths.)
  3. Water. Fishing, kayaking, boating, jet skiing, swimming, wading…Falcon State Park offers it all!!
  4. Wildlife. Fish. Butterflies. Bats. Scorpions. Peccary. We had some pretty amazing encounters, and all of them ended positively. Awesome!
  5. Safe. Initially I was afraid, but this park takes safety seriously. Not only do they have Park Rangers, but they also have State Park Police and Border Patrol. Oh, and those bolted locks on the screened shelters are a nice addition.

Must Do’s

  • Camp. FSP’s peak season is winter when all the northerners head south for a milder winter. Take advantage of that during the summer months. We felt like we had the whole park to ourselves and we loved that! And with the Shelters with A/C, there’s no reason not to enjoy all that Falcon State Park has to offer, year-round.
  • Beach. Look for shells. Build a sand castle. Go off-roading (in an appropriate vehicle). Swim. Kayak. Jet ski. Fish. Boat. The water is where it’s at in the summertime in Texas, but FSP takes it one further and has a genuine beach! Felt like we were at the Gulf of Mexico for a fraction of the cost of vacationing there! You’re welcome.
  • Photograph. It’s too beautiful not to point out – the beach at sunset was gorgeous. The lighting, divine. The scenery, dreamy.
  • Explore. There are almost 3 miles of trails to explore, but there is a lot of beach, as well! The park has geocaching, which is one of my favorite ways to explore because it’s exercise with a purpose!
As The Man walked back to the car from the garbage, Kinder Frau pointed out the locals coming to say good bye.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Falcon State Park! Please share your thoughts on this awesome border beauty in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.



Colorado Bend State Park

The Manling has been looking forward to visiting Colorado Bend State Park for years! We finally made this trip a reality when we visited in early June 2018. I must confess that I was taken aback when we arrived and were greeted by the friendly park ranger at the self-pay entrance. When I inquired of said ranger if snakes really were in the park, I was told in no uncertain terms that they were. (I credit him for his sobering honesty in the face of my fearful, well…face.)

With the park trail map in hand (complete with a huge rattlesnake as clip art), we set out on the sarcastically long, slow drive from the entrance to the HQ, which is located at the river end of the park. During that long drive, my blood pressure rose, my breathing became more labored and I had all but talked myself out of getting out of the car, much less hiking to see the famed Gorman Falls, a 2.5-3 hour hike that is suppose to be well worth it. I prayed for the courage not to disappoint The Manling as we entered the HQ (which could accurately be described as a tiny house, if it were larger). As we headed back to the car, I saw a Honda Pilot full of what looked to be adventuresome 20-somethings getting their water and applying sunscreen. “Excuse me,” I ventured. As they turned to look at me, I continued, “Are you by any chance going to hike to Gorman Falls right now?” When they replied that they were, I quickly asked, “Would you mind if my son and I tagged along with your group?” Relieved that they accepted us as add-ons to their adventure, we headed to the trailhead to Gorman Falls, unfortunately located back at the entrance to the park. As we set out on the unbelievably long, slow drive back to the entrance, I was relieved we had a bona-fide group with which to hike. Again, I prayed for courage – and I had time to because the drive was so long – and when we finally arrived at the trailhead, I found that I had the courage to get out of the car. And then to make small talk with our “new friends.” And then to make our way toward the other end of the parking lot, where we met a couple that was returning from their own adventure.

“How was it?” I asked. It was fantastic, they said. Cool. I think I may have even smiled.

“Did you see any wildlife?” I ventured. “Any snakes?”

Oh yeah! they answered enthusiastically. We saw a rattlesnake and a skunk on the trail.

My new friends, eager for the fun to begin, gave nods of approval and headed onto the trail with a wave. I saw my opportunity to face my biggest fear (and impress The Manling with my stout courage) literally walking away and before I knew it, I had caught up and was officially on one of the scariest hikes of my life.

I say one of the scariest hikes of my life because I just knew it was infested with rattlesnakes.  That is the park’s chosen clip art for their trails map, after all! I was certain the rattlesnakes were scheming some kind of elaborate assault at some point during the 2.5 hours we were in that feral wilderness. And it would be one of my two calves (out of the 16 available in our hiking party) that would be targeted.

When we made it to Gorman Falls unmolested by the rattlers, I was very happily surprised. And diverted. It is breathtaking! It honestly looks like a tropical rainforest plopped into the rocky dirt that is the predominant geological feature of the Hill Country as far as I can tell. We explored a little, took photos, got our feet wet in the Colorado River (see photo) and cooled off in the shade for probably half an hour.

When we headed back up the steep ascent to the trail, we actually ran into that same ranger from the entrance. Remembering us, he asked if we’d seen any rattlesnakes. “No, thankfully,” I answered. Our group chatted a short while with him before finishing the last leg of a gloriously uneventful hiking experience (read that as we neither saw nor heard a single rattler).

Why We Love Colorado Bend State Park

  1. Gorman Falls. I don’t know if it was the sense of accomplishment or relief in finally making it to the falls, but this was by far the very best part of our time at CBSP. It is beautiful. It is a blessed respite from the summer heat in Texas. It is a refreshing oasis in the desert. And while all my talk of rattlesnakes may give you pause to reconsider, I encourage you to allow yourself this amazing adventure. After all, my imagination was the only thing that actually scared me.*
  2. Water. The park is located on the Colorado River, contains a beautiful lush waterfall, and boasts natural springs, all of which serve to help cool off in the heat of the day. Perfection.

Must Do’s

  • Spicewood Springs. Waterholes in Texas in the summer heat. Priceless. (Full disclosure, by the time we were ready for this part of our park adventure, we were suffering from the over 100* heat and decided we would save it for next time. BUT…I think every person we met highly recommended them, so hydrate and make the hike to Spicewood Springs. I’m told it’s way easier than other hikes in the park.)
  • Gorman Falls. I am so glad I didn’t let my fear make me miss experiencing Gorman Falls. Do what you’ve gotta do (buy snake boots, tag-along with a group, suck it up, whatever), but don’t leave CBSP without seeing Gorman Falls in person.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Colorado Bend State Park! Please share your thoughts on this untamed and untainted park in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.