Lake Casa Blanca International State Park

In the effort of full disclosure, I don’t think we were able to give Lake Casa Blanca International State Park our wholehearted attention during our visit mid-June 2018 because of this –

Dry heat may be better, but 103* feels hotter than H-E-double hockey sticks no matter if it’s served up dry, or wet.

Other than snapping our traditional entry photo, Kinder Frau did not exit the vehicle. Honestly. She sat in the air-conditioned Jeep tending her social media. The whole time. She knows what she’s about. We, on the other hand, exited the vehicle in an attempt to seize the day in the blistering Laredo mid-afternoon summer heat. What that seizing looked like was this for about fifteen minutes –

Really beautiful spot, but with the temps over 100* even the sturdiest of anglers begin to melt.

-followed by this for about forty-five more minutes…

Nobody’s fool, The Manling gave it the ole college try – in the shade.
The Manling was working the shade under the fishing pier. The Man and I were doing the same on the pier proper.

…before he cried uncle, packed up his gear, and headed for the great indoors of the Jeep.

The Man at this point was still hopeful for some hiking, so choosing the shorter option of the two the Park Staff suggested, we parked near the trail head of the Osprey Hill Loop, which promised to give us the best views of the park and surrounding Laredo. The Manling and Kinder Frau opted out of this adventure, instead offering to keep the Jeep cool for our return. They are self-sacrificing that way. The Man packed waters for us while I prepped my borrowed trekking poles (to fend off any foes that may try to assail us on our 0.75 mile travels) and with a wave we headed onto the dusty, dry trail.

The Man has a habit of being all about business when we hike, so this is oftentimes my view. Hate to see you leave, babe, but I love to watch you go. 😉

Once we appreciated the views properly, we noticed a side trail and decided to explore it and discovered this little architectural gem!

Looks like a building something important must have happened at, right? We never saw signage and a quick peek through the window revealed nothing. Really pretty though, right?

Later, when heading toward the parks HQ during our premature exodus of the park, we discovered we could have driven to that neat building perched atop the hill. Such is life.

Why We Love Lake Casa Blanca International State Park

  1. Trails. Since LCBISP is about 7 hours from home, we weren’t able to bring our bikes. The trails at this park would be great for exploring via bike.
  2. Fishing. Shoreline fishing in the middle of the afternoon in the heat of a Laredo summer day proved unfruitful for us, but there were some anglers on the lake that may have fared better in deeper water.

Must Do’s

  • Arrive Early. Timing is important when the temps soar above 100 degrees.
  • Hike. Great, easy trails, but remember to take more water than you think you’ll need. And plan your hikes for early in the morning or at the end of the day when the temps are more bearable.
  • Fish. The fishing pier and surrounding area is great for shoreline fishing, but plan to do so at the beginning or end of the day.
  • Try Something New. The park offers some activities that are out of the ordinary that would be fun to do – tennis, volleyball and basketball courts in addition to a softball field! There is also a convenience store for tube, kayak and boat rentals. Or you can download the Geocaching app and go modern-day “treasure” hunting.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Lake Casa Blanca International State Park! Please share your thoughts on this international treasure in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

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