Longhorn Cavern State Park

For kicks and giggles, we are going to pretend that I am just a bad photographer, not that I intentionally cropped myself out of yet another wretched selfie attempt because of my vanity.

Continuing in the tradition of transparency in sharing our adventures, I confess that our visit to Longhorn Cavern State Park in early June 2018 was not all it could have been. The big attraction at LCSP is, after all, the cavern. And we didn’t tour it. (Like I shared here, Texans Travel is a passion project and at the point of this writing, funded solely by The Man – God bless him. The pictures on the State Park website look truly amazing, but $17.50 per person to take a gander at the same up close & personal was too rich for our budget.)

After a much needed bio break following the drive to Longhorn Cavern State Park, The Manling and I made a beeline for the long-haired mature lady behind the information counter. She naturally asked if we were there for the cave tour (like the dozens of others buzzing about the gift shop). A tad bit embarrassed that we weren’t, I asked if there was anything else to do at LCSP other than tour the caverns. To my surprise, she smiled and said Absolutely there is! After reaching for a copy of the Park Map, she highlighted a great walking tour of the park that very conveniently began just outside the back doors to the building – which she walks or bikes every night with her husband and dogs. Because she lives there! She genuinely seemed glad that we wanted to explore her park and didn’t give us even the slightest vibe that she thought we were nut jobs for coming to a cavern and not looking at it.

In no time, The Manling and I were out the back doors and on the trail. A delightful trail, too! It was completely shaded, except for a patch around the middle, which made our exploring all the more pleasant. The trails were mostly wide dirt paths with a few rocky points thrown in for good measure. They were well-marked. And we even saw a few people along the way, also enjoying the one thing to do at LCSP besides the cavern tour. When all was said and done, I commented to The Manling that while I couldn’t have visited with a stroller when he and Kinder Frau were wee creatures, they would have loved running through the treed trails and climbing over the rocks as preschoolers and little folk.

Why We Love Longhorn Cavern State Park

  1. Park Staff. I say it so often it’s becoming my mantra, but the Park Staff love their park. They want you to love it, too. Talk to them, even if you’re embarrassed that you’re not doing the expected while you’re there. They will inevitably have alternative ideas to make your visit a memorable one.
  2. Trails. Shaded. Pretty. Kid-friendly. Great photography ops (though ironically I took no photos. The Manling and I were enjoying the sights and sounds on the trail and were obviously engrossed in super important conversation, which supersedes the need for remembering to snap pics on my iPhone.)

Must Do’s

  • Enjoy the Trails. There is shaded beauty awaiting you on the LCSP trails. They are well-marked, short trails that all intersect to make a longer trek if you’re game. See why our long-haired hostess enjoys them nightly with her hubs and pooches.
  • Tour the Cavern. I cannot speak from personal experience, of course, but I feel like I’d be remiss if I didn’t encourage you to check them out. They are why there is a State Park there, after all.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Longhorn Cavern State Park! Please share your thoughts on this underground gallery in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.


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