Sheldon Lake State Park

My selfie game is is dire need of attention. Is there a support group? A class? My chin and I need training.

Our visit to Sheldon Lake State Park was sandwiched between two others on a day in which we had been up-and-at-’em since before daybreak. We were tired. We had never heard of Sheldon Lake State Park. We could not envision what awaited us from the description on the official website. It was hot & humid. To be brutally honest, we just wanted to get this one officially checked off our list before moving on to the next park on the day’s packed agenda. There’s the truth. When you’re attempting to visit all 99 Texas State Parks in 12 months, that’s just how you roll sometimes.

We arrived midday in August 2018. Ours was the only car in the parking lot. We got out, looked around for signs of life and found exactly none. We headed to the Pond Center simply because it was the first building we saw. It turned out to be a type of courtyard-ish area with exactly no people. We began reading the educational signage, searching for a clue as to how to explore this state park when around the corner Park Interpreter Jacob appeared. Seeming as surprised to see us as we were to see him, he paused before asking, “Can I help you with something?” in a surprised, but friendly manner. We {somewhat} awkwardly explained that we weren’t quite sure what SLSP was, how to experience it, or what we were suppose to do. Our new friend (whom we later found out used his lunch break to help us!) brightened as he began to share all that SLSP had to offer, a brief history, and (per our request) the top three must-do activities during our visit. This place was clearly his passion and his enthusiasm for it was delightfully contagious.

Filled with knowledge of SLSP and a loose plan, The Manling geared up back at the Tiny Toyota Tardis (because the Yaris is bigger on the inside) and headed toward one of the two ponds available for catch and release fishing. The one fishing deck was closed because of an incident involving a recent park visitor fishing from said deck, the fish said visitor had landed on said deck, and an alligator that may or may not have insisted on first rights to the aforementioned fish caught on said deck.

Say hello to our little friend.

Fishing from the raised shoreline, The Manling landed little guy after little guy while I chatted with Robert under the shade of a tree. Robert is a local whose hobby happens to be wildlife photography and SLSP happens to be his favorite locale to hone his skills. While I listened to all the details about the recent incident from the previous weekend from Robert (a firsthand witness), The Manling nonchalantly informed us that the ‘gator that had been eyeing him from across the pond was stealthily approaching. After parking himself in the lily pads about ten feet from shore, the alligator sat and waited for an easy meal like the one my new friend, Robert, had been describing minutes before the alligator joined us.

Wildlife photographer, Robert, hoping to catch one of his favorite shots – an alligator walking on land.

Before long, The Manling felt the familiar tug on his line, which quickly caught the attention of the alligator, which prompted Robert to “excitedly suggest” to The Manling to quickly yank his catch onto the land before he caught something more than he bargained for, which The Manling did, which drew the alligator up short at the water’s edge nearest to where we were standing on the elevated shoreline. Hearts skipping beats and blood coursing just that much faster through our veins, The Manling quickly set to work unhooking his catch while – let this soak in – the resident reptile watched, actually hissing at him from the water’s edge. Let me add that I don’t know much about alligators, but judging from this particular one, once they get an idea in their head (especially involving food), they aren’t easily dissuaded. Long story short, this particular local couldn’t quit The Manling, so The Manling had to quit fishing.

Jesse’s stalker – a little too close for comfort – while he unhooked his latest catch.
Considering they are suppose to be faster on land than you’d think, this guy was too close for my comfort, too!

While The Manling fished in only two of the park’s ponds, there are actually a total of 28 ponds at SLSP. If you’ve ever been to a fishing hatchery like the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens, TX, you will have a better understanding of what I mean by pond. SLSP has 28 of these man-made ponds, 26 of which they have allowed to grow wild (or what they call “naturalized” on the website). And by wild, I mean WILD. As in alligators live in them. And birds (over 300 species!). And snakes. And who knows what else. With the exception of the two fishing ponds, the others are actually not discernible as manmade or ponds at all – nor do they appear explorable.

Fishing pond #1, with The Manling enjoying doing his thing
Fishing pond #2

If you look at the map of the park, you will see the two rows of ponds, all orderly and planned and perfectly spaced. In real life, it looks the polar opposite of that – but in a beautifully natural way. The best way to experience them is on the Pond Trail Loop, which passes all 28 ponds, via a soft-surface wide trail complete with canopied tree branches that provide the perfect amount of shade for hot summer days. From this trail, the ponds look like Secret Gardens to the side of the path almost entirely enclosed by vegetation save a break in the greenery about the size of a Hobbit door through which you can see the pond “rooms” in all their splendor. It’s like nothing we’ve ever experienced before or since! Each pond “room” seems to have its own identity, its own theme. No two are quite the same. It’s breath-taking and beautiful…and {admittedly} a wee bit scary now that we knew that the park is home to over 100 alligators, the longest of which was some 13 feet in length, according to Park Interpreter Jacob!

The über hospitable Pond Loop Trail is picture perfect.
One of the 26 pond “rooms,” as I called them.
Another pond room
And another
And another…each one different and unique

Just after beginning the Pond Loop Trail, The Manling was thoughtful enough to point out a long, black snake in the vegetation that took me exactly forever to see because it blended with the thick vines on the ground a little too easily for my preference. Fresh off our first real encounter with an alligator, the adrenaline was already pumping, so suffice it to say I was a sheer delight to The Manling every time the breeze rustled the leaves or his voice startled me in the otherwise quiet solitude of the path.

I spy with my little eye – something that slithers and creeps me out like a boss.

When our trail forked at the end, we took a right on the Swamp Rabbit Trail en route to our destination – the John Jacob Observation Tower – which had caught our attention earlier as we entered the park. Once we reached the observation tower, The Manling and I put my adrenaline to good use by climbing to the top of the metal observation tower. Which was super high. And yours truly happens to be dreadfully fearful of heights. Yeah, so there’s that. Oh! And did I mention it was windy because all day we had attempted to outrun a pretty massive summer thunderstorm and it was starting to catch up to us? There was that, too. Legs shaking, heart beating out of my chest, we explored the top of the observation tower and enjoyed ourselves heartily until we figured wisdom would tell us to get off the super tall metal structure with the thunderstorm so close at hand.

Looks harmless enough from a distance. But once you get to the first platform, it’s scarier than a roller coaster up there!
Had to get a pano of that view! That view was worth the cost in stress on my body – both from the height and knowledge that we were standing on a giant, metal lightening rod with that storm quickly approaching.
Can you see the San Jacinto Monument in the distance? We could!

We made haste back down the tower and began the trail back to the Tiny Toyota Tardis (because the Yaris is bigger on the inside). Shortly after we reentered the canopied Pond Loop Trail, the wind picked up even more, large drops began pelting us through the trees, and we agreed that now was a good time to pick up trail running as a hobby. When we had almost reached the two fishing ponds near our car, we were stopped short by…drum roll, please…that huge black snake! It decided to cross from the foliage between the loop and into the foliage around the pond room we were passing. Right as we were passing it!!! All the times I had hiked with much fear and trembling only to discover that the fear itself was the scariest part of the hike. And here. Now. At the alligator asylum, I had my first close encounter with my nemesis. I’m pretty sure I screamed. And I’m certain my scream scared The Manling. And I know that if anyone else had been present, I would have cause to be embarrassed by the spontaneous dance I proceeded to perform for the approximately one hundred alligators I’m sure I scared right alongside The Manling. Let’s not dwell.

Remember this – What began as a pit stop on a long day of state parking ended up being a place of excitement, adventure, beauty, and refuge. And one we cannot wait to repeat.

Why We Love Sheldon Lake State Park

  1. Alligators. So many parks down south boast alligators. We saw a couple from a distance at Sea Rim State Park, but they were timid and silently slid under the surface of the water when they saw us. The ‘gators at SLSP aren’t so shy!
  2. Fishing. Like shooting fish in a barrel, you have to try to NOT catch fish in the two fishing ponds. Great place to take beginners and experienced anglers alike. Bonus: The alligators want to wrestle you for your catches. Beware.
  3. Observation Tower. Even afraid of heights, if there is an observation tower, The Manling and I take advantage. These are mandatory.
  4. Canopied Hikes. Starry-eyed emoji. Heart-eyed emoji. Come on, what’s not to love about a wide trail with trees canopied overhead. LOVE.
  5. Wildlife. First true encounter with an alligator. There was action. Hissing. Following. Obsession. That. rocked. And then there is the matter of a SNAKE finally (and literally!) crossing our path!
  6. The Locals. Meet the locals. Talk to people. We all have stories to share. You never know when you’ll hit the jackpot like we did meeting Park Interpreter Jacob and Wildlife Photographer Robert.


  • Fish. Bring your own gear like The Manling, or borrow their loaner gear. Just keep a sharp eye out for the reptilian residents who may not take kindly to your poaching in their ‘hood.
  • Explore. Lots of trails to explore, both on land and in Sheldon Lake.
  • Talk. Chat up the staff, other visitors, and most especially the locals. They have the inside scoop on what’s what and can elevate your experience to sublime.


We’d love to hear about your experiences at Sheldon Lake State Park. Please leave your comments on this wild place of adventure below.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

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