Estero Llano Grande State Park

Estero Llano Grande State Park was the second birding center we visited on our South Texas trip in mid-June 2018. We thought we knew what to expect. We had, after all, already done this birding center thing once. But…

Estero Llano Grande State Park was vastly different from Resaca de la Palma State Park both in it’s Jurassic Park vibe, and in the overall look of the place. Where Resaca was unspoiled (wild, if you will), Estero Llano was manicured. While Resaca had the feel of the country, Estero Llano had the feel of a masterfully planned city park.  You felt the history of Resaca de la Palma while Estero Llano Grande felt more like a modernized zoo – the kind where habitats are designed to be more natural and the patrons observe said animals in habitats that mimic the animals’ natural environment even though they are not the animals’ natural environment. So, two birding centers that couldn’t have more contrasting vibes if they had tried.

Once we parked, we followed the cute bird tracks on the ground to the HQ, which is nowhere near the parking lot. Brilliant move, those tracks. After explaining our gap year goal (99 Texas State Parks. 12 Month State Park Pass. 1 Awesome Adventure.), our enthusiastic Park Staffer called a co-worker to help us all plan just the right adventure for us. And while they talked of this bird, or that nest, even pointing to photographs taken presumably at the park decorating the wall behind their desk, they completely had us at alligators. Yes, friend. They have alligators at Estero Llano Grande State Park!!! We basically left the stack of Park Maps scattered in the wind of our hasty departure as we set out for some alligator sightings at birding center number two.

Where’s Waldo time. Find Jesse. Go!

As we walked the clearly marked eight foot wide trails, enjoying the nicely manicured park that presumably houses wonderful flighty creatures, we were singularly focused on seeing us some alligators at aptly named Alligator Lake.  Seldom a thought of snakes hidden in the tall grass (or reeds) entered my mind. Just alligators. There may have been some birds. They might have even provided a cheery soundtrack to our time at ELGSP. Honestly, I don’t remember. I was excited (and a teeny bit scared!) that we might soon see some ginormous reptiles that could end us in a habitat that didn’t appear to have the safety precautions you’d appreciate at the aforementioned modernized zoo.

At this point, I’m just going to go ahead and spoil the end for you. We didn’t see any alligators. Nada. Zilch. Not even a trace of an alligator, unless you count this sign –

This was a quickie photo op because I was a little hesitant to have them with their backs to the water at this early point in the game.

– which I did not. Kinder Frau? She is in the throws of big fears in the pics, which – like my snake-infested imaginings – were for naught. We walked all the way to the other end of Alligator Lake, as seen here –

This raised platform felt marginally safer than the previous photo for turning your backs to the water. Just marginally, though.

Still nothing. These alligators have that “Leave No Trace” thing down. We took some side trails as we headed back to the HQ, Kinder Frau thankful for a true Jurassic Park experience (meaning the animals were a “no show”).

Why We Love Estero Llano Grande State Park

  1. Jurassic Park. Admittedly, we hummed Welcome to Jurassic Park while we were exploring, but that is only because it really did have that vibe. It was cool.
  2. Alligators. Um, yes, please! Ironically, Alligator Lake is the only natural part of the park, we were told in the HQ. It is shaped like an alligator, but we were assured it was naturally so and that it was the rest of the park that was planned.
  3. Park Staff. We loved their enthusiasm and appreciated all that they {tried to} teach us about the birds there, even though they lost us at alligators.
  4. New Feel. Hey, we’re city people. After spending time at the wilder Resaca de la Palma State Park, it was nice to relax my muscles and enjoy the familiar city feel of Estero Llano Grande State Park.

Must Do’s

  • Alligators. Try to see them. And then post about it in the comments! We’d love to read about your experience with them!
  • Birding. There is a scope-type binocular available on the porch of the HQ overlooking Ibis Pond. Spend some time getting “up close” with our feathered friends from the comfort (and safety) of the shaded porch either before or after you wander the grounds.

We’d love to hear about your experiences at Estero Llano Grande State Park! Please share your thoughts on this masterfully planned state park in the comments.

*In all natural areas, you are a guest. Educate yourself on what lives in the areas before your visits, always talk to the Park Rangers upon arrival and take precautions so that your experiences end as positively as ours.

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